4.1 Available resources

HPC resources available to emLab researchers
quebracho 64 1TB Yes Only land-use projects (for now)
sequoia 192 1.5TB No All other emLab research
Knot 1,500 48 GB - 1TB Yes UCSB shared resource
Pod ~2,600 190 GB - 1.5 TB Yes UCSB shared resource
Braid2 ~2,200 192 - 368 GB Yes UCSB condo cluster (PI must buy node)

The emLab SOP will focus on using quebracho and sequoia. For further information on using other UCSB campus resources, you can refer to our specific guide on that. However please note that this guide is several years out-of-date, and you may find better and more current information directly on a UCSB website. Additionally, now that we have our own HPC servers, we no longer recommend using Google Compute Engine, which is a pay-as-you-go cloud computing server. It can be quite expensive, and has setup challenges as compared to our own servers. However, if you need to use GCE for whatever reason, emLab alumni Grant McDermott wrote a very helpful tutorial on using R Studio Server on GCE.