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This uses the `mrp_get` function from the `mregions2` package to retrieve an area object (e.g. an EEZ) from Marine Regions ( You can filter using any column available in the `mregions2` database. To see all possible column names and codes, specify `show_options` = TRUE when you run the function.


  query_type = "eez",
  mregions_column = "sovereign1",
  show_value_options = FALSE,
  show_column_options = FALSE



string; the name of the country or area that you would like to query for; must match a name in `mregions2` for the `mregions_column` selected


string; the area type that you would like to query for; some options include "eez", "high_seas", "ecoregions". Run `mregions2::mrp_list` to see the full list of data_product options. (default is "eez")


string; the name of the column in `mregions2` that you would like to query to find the area corresponding to `area_name` (default is "sovereign1")


logical; whether to show all of the value options associated with your `mregions_column` selection that are available in `mregions2`; running this will not return a spatial object (default is FALSE)


logical; whether to show all of the `mregions_column` options that are available in `mregions2`; running this will not return a spatial object (default is FALSE)


if `show_options` = FALSE, returns the sf object of the area of interest; if `show_value_options` or `show_column_options` == TRUE, a named list will be returned. Names in the list correspond to options for `mregions_column` and values correspond to options for `area_name`


# Show all possible column names 
get_area(show_column_options = TRUE)
#> $mregions_column
#>  [1] "mrgid"      "geoname"    "mrgid_ter1" "pol_type"   "mrgid_sov1"
#>  [6] "territory1" "iso_ter1"   "sovereign1" "mrgid_ter2" "mrgid_sov2"
#> [11] "territory2" "iso_ter2"   "sovereign2" "mrgid_ter3" "mrgid_sov3"
#> [16] "territory3" "iso_ter3"   "sovereign3" "x_1"        "y_1"       
#> [21] "mrgid_eez"  "area_km2"   "iso_sov1"   "iso_sov2"   "iso_sov3"  
#> [26] "un_sov1"    "un_sov2"    "un_sov3"    "un_ter1"    "un_ter2"   
#> [31] "un_ter3"   
# Show all possible EEZ areas
get_area(show_value_options = TRUE)
#> $sovereign1
#>   [1] "Albania"                          "Algeria"                         
#>   [3] "Angola"                           "Antigua and Barbuda"             
#>   [5] "Argentina"                        "Australia"                       
#>   [7] "Azerbaijan"                       "Bahamas"                         
#>   [9] "Bahrain"                          "Bangladesh"                      
#>  [11] "Barbados"                         "Belgium"                         
#>  [13] "Belize"                           "Benin"                           
#>  [15] "Bosnia and Herzegovina"           "Brazil"                          
#>  [17] "Brunei"                           "Bulgaria"                        
#>  [19] "Cambodia"                         "Cameroon"                        
#>  [21] "Canada"                           "Cape Verde"                      
#>  [23] "Chile"                            "China"                           
#>  [25] "Colombia"                         "Comores"                         
#>  [27] "Costa Rica"                       "Croatia"                         
#>  [29] "Cuba"                             "Cyprus"                          
#>  [31] "Democratic Republic of the Congo" "Denmark"                         
#>  [33] "Djibouti"                         "Dominica"                        
#>  [35] "Dominican Republic"               "East Timor"                      
#>  [37] "Ecuador"                          "Egypt"                           
#>  [39] "El Salvador"                      "Equatorial Guinea"               
#>  [41] "Eritrea"                          "Estonia"                         
#>  [43] "Federal Republic of Somalia"      "Fiji"                            
#>  [45] "Finland"                          "France"                          
#>  [47] "Gabon"                            "Gambia"                          
#>  [49] "Georgia"                          "Germany"                         
#>  [51] "Ghana"                            "Greece"                          
#>  [53] "Grenada"                          "Guatemala"                       
#>  [55] "Guinea"                           "Guinea-Bissau"                   
#>  [57] "Guyana"                           "Haiti"                           
#>  [59] "Honduras"                         "Iceland"                         
#>  [61] "India"                            "Indonesia"                       
#>  [63] "Iran"                             "Iraq"                            
#>  [65] "Ireland"                          "Israel"                          
#>  [67] "Italy"                            "Ivory Coast"                     
#>  [69] "Jamaica"                          "Japan"                           
#>  [71] "Jordan"                           "Kazakhstan"                      
#>  [73] "Kenya"                            "Kiribati"                        
#>  [75] "Kuwait"                           "Latvia"                          
#>  [77] "Lebanon"                          "Liberia"                         
#>  [79] "Libya"                            "Lithuania"                       
#>  [81] "Madagascar"                       "Malaysia"                        
#>  [83] "Maldives"                         "Malta"                           
#>  [85] "Marshall Islands"                 "Mauritania"                      
#>  [87] "Mexico"                           "Micronesia"                      
#>  [89] "Monaco"                           "Montenegro"                      
#>  [91] "Morocco"                          "Mozambique"                      
#>  [93] "Myanmar"                          "Namibia"                         
#>  [95] "Nauru"                            "Netherlands"                     
#>  [97] "New Zealand"                      "Nicaragua"                       
#>  [99] "Nigeria"                          "North Korea"                     
#> [101] "Norway"                           "Oman"                            
#> [103] "Pakistan"                         "Palau"                           
#> [105] "Palestine"                        "Panama"                          
#> [107] "Papua New Guinea"                 "Peru"                            
#> [109] "Philippines"                      "Poland"                          
#> [111] "Portugal"                         "Qatar"                           
#> [113] "Republic of Mauritius"            "Republic of the Congo"           
#> [115] "Romania"                          "Russia"                          
#> [117] "Saint Kitts and Nevis"            "Saint Lucia"                     
#> [119] "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" "Samoa"                           
#> [121] "Sao Tome and Principe"            "Saudi Arabia"                    
#> [123] "Senegal"                          "Seychelles"                      
#> [125] "Sierra Leone"                     "Singapore"                       
#> [127] "Slovenia"                         "Solomon Islands"                 
#> [129] "South Africa"                     "South Korea"                     
#> [131] "Spain"                            "Sri Lanka"                       
#> [133] "Sudan"                            "Suriname"                        
#> [135] "Sweden"                           "Syria"                           
#> [137] "São Tomé and Principe"            "Taiwan"                          
#> [139] "Tanzania"                         "Thailand"                        
#> [141] "Togo"                             "Tonga"                           
#> [143] "Trinidad and Tobago"              "Tunisia"                         
#> [145] "Turkey"                           "Turkmenistan"                    
#> [147] "Tuvalu"                           "Ukraine"                         
#> [149] "United Arab Emirates"             "United Kingdom"                  
#> [151] "United States"                    "Uruguay"                         
#> [153] "Vanuatu"                          "Venezuela"                       
#> [155] "Vietnam"                          "Western Sahara"                  
#> [157] "Yemen"                           
# Show all possible options
get_area(show_column_options = TRUE, show_value_options = TRUE)
#> Please be patient, this may take some time.
#> $mrgid
#>   [1]  3293  5668  5669  5670  5672  5673  5674  5675  5676  5677  5678  5679
#>  [13]  5680  5681  5682  5683  5684  5685  5686  5687  5688  5689  5690  5691
#>  [25]  5692  5693  5694  5695  5696  5697  8308  8309  8310  8311  8312  8313
#>  [37]  8314  8315  8316  8317  8318  8319  8321  8322  8323  8324  8325  8326
#>  [49]  8327  8328  8331  8332  8333  8334  8337  8338  8339  8340  8341  8343
#>  [61]  8345  8346  8347  8348  8349  8350  8351  8352  8353  8354  8355  8356
#>  [73]  8357  8358  8359  8360  8361  8362  8363  8364  8365  8366  8367  8368
#>  [85]  8369  8370  8371  8372  8373  8374  8375  8376  8378  8379  8380  8381
#>  [97]  8382  8383  8384  8385  8386  8387  8388  8389  8390  8391  8392  8393
#> [109]  8394  8395  8396  8397  8398  8400  8401  8402  8403  8404  8405  8406
#> [121]  8407  8408  8409  8411  8412  8413  8414  8415  8416  8417  8418  8419
#> [133]  8420  8421  8423  8424  8425  8426  8427  8428  8429  8430  8431  8432
#> [145]  8433  8435  8437  8438  8439  8440  8441  8442  8443  8444  8445  8446
#> [157]  8447  8448  8449  8450  8451  8452  8453  8454  8455  8456  8457  8459
#> [169]  8460  8461  8462  8463  8464  8465  8466  8467  8468  8469  8470  8471
#> [181]  8472  8473  8474  8475  8476  8477  8478  8479  8480  8481  8482  8483
#> [193]  8484  8485  8486  8487  8488  8490  8491  8492  8493  8494  8495  8758
#> [205] 21787 21788 21789 21790 21791 21792 21796 21797 21798 21803 22491 22756
#> [217] 26517 26518 26519 26520 26521 26522 26523 26524 26526 26582 33177 33178
#> [229] 33179 33180 33181 33185 48943 48944 48945 48946 48947 48948 48950 48951
#> [241] 48952 48953 48954 48955 48956 48957 48961 48962 48964 48965 48966 48967
#> [253] 48968 48969 48970 48971 48972 48973 48974 48975 48976 48977 48978 48980
#> [265] 48982 48984 48985 48997 48998 48999 49000 49001 49002 49003 50167 50170
#> [277] 62589 62596 62598 64430 64431 64440 64446 64459 64460
#> $geoname
#>   [1] "Albanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>   [2] "Algerian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>   [3] "Angolan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>   [4] "Antiguan and Barbudan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                             
#>   [5] "Argentinian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#>   [6] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#>   [7] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Christmas Island)"                                     
#>   [8] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Cocos Islands)"                                        
#>   [9] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Heard and McDonald Islands)"                           
#>  [10] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Macquarie Island)"                                     
#>  [11] "Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (Norfolk Island)"                                       
#>  [12] "Azerbaijani Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#>  [13] "Bahamian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [14] "Bahraini Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [15] "Bangladeshi Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#>  [16] "Barbadian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [17] "Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [18] "Belizean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [19] "Beninese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [20] "Bissau-Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                    
#>  [21] "Bosnian and Herzegovinian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                         
#>  [22] "Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [23] "Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone (Trindade)"                                              
#>  [24] "British Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [25] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Anguilla)"                                                
#>  [26] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Ascension)"                                               
#>  [27] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Bermuda)"                                                 
#>  [28] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (British Virgin Islands)"                                  
#>  [29] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Cayman Islands)"                                          
#>  [30] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Guernsey)"                                                
#>  [31] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Isle of Man)"                                             
#>  [32] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Jersey)"                                                  
#>  [33] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Montserrat)"                                              
#>  [34] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Pitcairn)"                                                
#>  [35] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Saint Helena)"                                            
#>  [36] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Tristan da Cunha)"                                        
#>  [37] "British Exclusive Economic Zone (Turks and Caicos Islands)"                                
#>  [38] "Bruneian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [39] "Bulgarian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [40] "Cambodian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [41] "Cameroonian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#>  [42] "Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [43] "Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                      
#>  [44] "Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [45] "Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone (Easter Island)"                                           
#>  [46] "Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone (Islas San Félix and San Ambrosio)"                        
#>  [47] "Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [48] "Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [49] "Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Bajo Nuevo Bank)"                                       
#>  [50] "Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Quitasueño Bank)"                                       
#>  [51] "Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Serrana Bank)"                                          
#>  [52] "Colombian Exclusive Economic Zone (Serranilla Bank)"                                       
#>  [53] "Comoran Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [54] "Congolese (Democratic Republic of) Exclusive Economic Zone"                                
#>  [55] "Congolese (Republic of) Exclusive Economic Zone"                                           
#>  [56] "Costa Rican Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#>  [57] "Croatian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [58] "Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#>  [59] "Cypriote Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [60] "Danish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#>  [61] "Danish Exclusive Economic Zone (Faeroe)"                                                   
#>  [62] "Danish Exclusive Economic Zone (Greenland)"                                                
#>  [63] "Djiboutian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#>  [64] "Dominican (Republic) Exclusive Economic Zone"                                              
#>  [65] "Dominican Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#>  [66] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#>  [67] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Aruba)"                                                     
#>  [68] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Bonaire)"                                                   
#>  [69] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Curaçao)"                                                   
#>  [70] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Saba)"                                                      
#>  [71] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Sint-Eustatius)"                                            
#>  [72] "Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone (Sint-Maarten)"                                              
#>  [73] "Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#>  [74] "Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone (Galapagos)"                                            
#>  [75] "Egyptian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [76] "Emirati Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [77] "Equatorial Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                
#>  [78] "Eritrean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [79] "Estonian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#>  [80] "Fijian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#>  [81] "Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#>  [82] "French Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#>  [83] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands)"                         
#>  [84] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Bassas da India)"                                          
#>  [85] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Clipperton Island)"                                        
#>  [86] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Collectivity of Saint Martin)"                             
#>  [87] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Crozet Islands)"                                           
#>  [88] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Europa Island)"                                            
#>  [89] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (French Guiana)"                                            
#>  [90] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (French Polynesia)"                                         
#>  [91] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Guadeloupe)"                                               
#>  [92] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Juan de Nova Island)"                                      
#>  [93] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Kerguélen)"                                                
#>  [94] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Martinique)"                                               
#>  [95] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (New Caledonia)"                                            
#>  [96] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Réunion)"                                                  
#>  [97] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Saint-Barthélemy)"                                         
#>  [98] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon)"                                
#>  [99] "French Exclusive Economic Zone (Wallis and Futuna)"                                        
#> [100] "Gabonese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [101] "Gambian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [102] "Georgian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [103] "German Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [104] "Ghanaian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [105] "Greek Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#> [106] "Grenadian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [107] "Guatemalan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [108] "Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [109] "Guyanese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [110] "Haitian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [111] "Honduran Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [112] "Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [113] "Indian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [114] "Indian Exclusive Economic Zone (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)"                              
#> [115] "Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [116] "Iranian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [117] "Iraqi Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#> [118] "Irish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#> [119] "Israeli Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [120] "Italian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [121] "Ivorian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [122] "Jamaican Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [123] "Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [124] "Joint regime area Torres Strait Treaty: Papua New Guinea / Australia"                      
#> [125] "Joint regime area: Barbados / Guyana"                                                      
#> [126] "Joint regime area: Costa Rica / Ecuador (Galapagos)"                                       
#> [127] "Joint regime area: Croatia / Slovenia"                                                     
#> [128] "Joint regime area: Dominican Republic / Colombia"                                          
#> [129] "Joint regime area: Ecuador / Colombia"                                                     
#> [130] "Joint regime area: France / Italy"                                                         
#> [131] "Joint regime area: Honduras / United Kingdom (Cayman Islands)"                             
#> [132] "Joint regime area: Iceland / Denmark (Faeroe Islands)"                                     
#> [133] "Joint regime area: Iceland / Norway (Jan Mayen)"                                           
#> [134] "Joint regime area: Jamaica / Colombia"                                                     
#> [135] "Joint regime area: Norway / Russia"                                                        
#> [136] "Joint regime area: Peru / Ecuador"                                                         
#> [137] "Joint regime area: Senegal / Guinea-Bissau"                                                
#> [138] "Joint regime area: South Korea / Japan"                                                    
#> [139] "Joint regime area: Spain / France"                                                         
#> [140] "Joint regime area: Sweden / Norway"                                                        
#> [141] "Joint regime area: São Tomé and Principe / Nigeria"                                        
#> [142] "Joint regime area: United Kingdom / Denmark (Faeroe Islands)"                              
#> [143] "Joint regime area: United States / Russia"                                                 
#> [144] "Joint regime area: Uruguay / Argentina"                                                    
#> [145] "Jordanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [146] "Kazakh Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [147] "Kenyan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [148] "Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Gilbert Islands)"                                        
#> [149] "Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Line Group)"                                             
#> [150] "Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Phoenix Group)"                                          
#> [151] "Kittitian and Nevisian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                            
#> [152] "Kuwaiti Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [153] "Latvian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [154] "Lebanese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [155] "Liberian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [156] "Libyan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [157] "Lithuanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [158] "Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [159] "Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [160] "Maldivian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [161] "Maltese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [162] "Marshallese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [163] "Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [164] "Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [165] "Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone (Chagos Archipelago)"                                    
#> [166] "Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [167] "Micronesian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [168] "Montenegrin Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [169] "Monégasque Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [170] "Moroccan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [171] "Mozambican Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [172] "Myanma Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [173] "Namibian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [174] "Nauruan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [175] "New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [176] "New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (Cook Islands)"                                        
#> [177] "New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (Niue)"                                                
#> [178] "New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (Tokelau)"                                             
#> [179] "Nicaraguan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [180] "Nigerian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [181] "North Korean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                      
#> [182] "Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [183] "Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone (Jan Mayen)"                                             
#> [184] "Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone (Svalbard)"                                              
#> [185] "Omani Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                             
#> [186] "Overlapping claim Abu musa, Greater and Lesser Tunb: United Arab Emirates / Iran"          
#> [187] "Overlapping claim Alhucemas Islands: Spain / Morocco"                                      
#> [188] "Overlapping claim Ceuta: Spain / Morocco"                                                  
#> [189] "Overlapping claim Chafarinas Islands: Spain / Morocco"                                     
#> [190] "Overlapping claim Doumeira Islands: Eritrea / Djibouti"                                    
#> [191] "Overlapping claim Falkland / Malvinas Islands: United Kingdom / Argentina"                 
#> [192] "Overlapping claim Gibraltar: United Kingdom / Spain"                                       
#> [193] "Overlapping claim Glorioso Islands: France / Madagascar"                                   
#> [194] "Overlapping claim Halaib Triangle: Sudan / Egypt"                                          
#> [195] "Overlapping claim Ile Tromelin: France / Madagascar / Republic of Mauritius"               
#> [196] "Overlapping claim Kuril Islands: Japan / Russia"                                           
#> [197] "Overlapping claim Liancourt Rocks: Japan / South Korea"                                    
#> [198] "Overlapping claim Matthew and Hunter Islands: France / Vanuatu"                            
#> [199] "Overlapping claim Mayotte: France / Comores"                                               
#> [200] "Overlapping claim Melilla: Spain / Morocco"                                                
#> [201] "Overlapping claim Navassa Island: United States / Haiti / Jamaica"                         
#> [202] "Overlapping claim Perejil Island: Spain / Morocco"                                         
#> [203] "Overlapping claim Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera: Spain / Morocco"                            
#> [204] "Overlapping claim Senkaku Islands: Taiwan / Japan / China"                                 
#> [205] "Overlapping claim South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: United Kingdom / Argentina"
#> [206] "Overlapping claim Taiwan: Taiwan / China"                                                  
#> [207] "Overlapping claim Ukraine: Ukraine / Russia"                                               
#> [208] "Overlapping claim Wake Island / Enenkio: United States / Marshall Islands"                 
#> [209] "Overlapping claim Western Sahara: Western Sahara / Morocco"                                
#> [210] "Overlapping claim: Belize / Honduras"                                                      
#> [211] "Overlapping claim: Canada / United States"                                                 
#> [212] "Overlapping claim: Colombia / Dominican Republic / Venezuela"                              
#> [213] "Overlapping claim: Egypt / Libya"                                                          
#> [214] "Overlapping claim: Guyana / Trinidad and Tobago / Venezuela"                               
#> [215] "Overlapping claim: Iraq / Iran"                                                            
#> [216] "Overlapping claim: Malaysia / Singapore"                                                   
#> [217] "Overlapping claim: Qatar / Saudi Arabia / United Arab Emirates"                            
#> [218] "Overlapping claim: South China Sea"                                                        
#> [219] "Overlapping claim: United States (Puerto Rico) / Dominican Republic"                       
#> [220] "Overlapping claim: Venezuela / Netherlands (Aruba) / Dominican Republic"                   
#> [221] "Pakistani Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [222] "Palauan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [223] "Palestinian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [224] "Panamanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [225] "Papua New Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                 
#> [226] "Peruvian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [227] "Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [228] "Polish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [229] "Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [230] "Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Azores)"                                               
#> [231] "Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Madeira)"                                              
#> [232] "Qatari Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [233] "Romanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [234] "Russian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [235] "Saint Lucian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                      
#> [236] "Saint Vincentian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                  
#> [237] "Salvadoran Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [238] "Samoan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [239] "Saudi Arabian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                     
#> [240] "Senegalese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [241] "Seychellois Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [242] "Sierra Leonean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                    
#> [243] "Singaporean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                       
#> [244] "Slovenian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [245] "Solomon Islands Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                   
#> [246] "Somali Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [247] "South African Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                     
#> [248] "South African Exclusive Economic Zone (Prince Edward Islands)"                             
#> [249] "South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                      
#> [250] "Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [251] "Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (Canary Islands)"                                          
#> [252] "Sri Lankan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [253] "Sudanese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [254] "Surinamese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [255] "Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [256] "Syrian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [257] "São Toméan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [258] "Tanzanian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [259] "Thailand Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [260] "Timorese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [261] "Timorese Exclusive Economic Zone (Oecusse)"                                                
#> [262] "Togolese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [263] "Tongan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> [264] "Trinidadian and Tobagonian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                        
#> [265] "Tunisian Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [266] "Turkish Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [267] "Turkmen Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                           
#> [268] "Tuvaluan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                          
#> [269] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                     
#> [270] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska)"                                            
#> [271] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (American Samoa)"                                    
#> [272] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Guam)"                                              
#> [273] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Hawaii)"                                            
#> [274] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Howland and Baker Islands)"                         
#> [275] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Jarvis Islands)"                                    
#> [276] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Johnston Atoll)"                                    
#> [277] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Northern Mariana Islands)"                          
#> [278] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Palmyra Atoll)"                                     
#> [279] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Puerto Rico)"                                       
#> [280] "United States Exclusive Economic Zone (United States Virgin Islands)"                      
#> [281] "Uruguayan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [282] "Vanuatuan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                         
#> [283] "Venezuelan Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [284] "Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                        
#> [285] "Yemeni Exclusive Economic Zone"                                                            
#> $mrgid_ter1
#>   [1]    14    15    17  2097  2098  2099  2100  2101  2102  2103  2104  2105
#>  [13]  2106  2108  2110  2111  2112  2113  2114  2115  2118  2119  2120  2121
#>  [25]  2122  2123  2124  2125  2126  2127  2128  2129  2131  2132  2133  2134
#>  [37]  2135  2136  2139  2142  2143  2144  2145  2147  2149  2150  2152  2153
#>  [49]  2154  2156  2157  2159  2160  2161  2162  2163  2165  2166  2168  2169
#>  [61]  2170  2171  2174  2175  2176  2177  2180  2182  2183  2185  2186  2187
#>  [73]  2188  2190  2191  2192  2194  2195  2196  2198  2199  2200  2201  2202
#>  [85]  2204  2205  2206  2207  2208  2210  2211  2212  2213  2214  2215  2216
#>  [97]  2217  2218  2219  2220  2221  2222  2224  2225  2226  2227  2229  2230
#> [109]  2236  2237  2238  2240  2241  2242  2243  2244  2245  2249  2250  2251
#> [121]  2252  2253  2255  2257  2259  2260  2261  2454  3297  3344  3384  3743
#> [133]  3868  4377  4378  4530  4956  5334  5343  5363  5660  5765  5770  5772
#> [145]  7963  8468  8589  8590  8591  8592  8593  8594  8595  8596  8597  8598
#> [157]  8599  8600  8601  8603  8605  8606  8607  8609  8610  8612  8613  8614
#> [169]  8616  8617  8619  8620  8621  8622  8623  8624  8627  8630  8631  8632
#> [181]  8633  8635  8636  8637  8638  8639  8640  8641  8642  8643  8644  8645
#> [193]  8646  8647  8648  8649  8650  8651  8652  8653  8654  8655  8656  8657
#> [205]  8658  8668  8669  8670  8671  8672  8673  8674  8675  8678  8679  8680
#> [217]  8681  8682  8683  8684  8685  8686  8688  8757  9011 14864 15074 15120
#> [229] 15525 17597 17831 19095 19099 19143 20312 21802 22598 25135 26234 26525
#> [241] 31136 36288 48684 48934 48935 48936 48979 48983 48994 48995 48996 49593
#> [253] 64457 64458
#> $pol_type
#> [1] "200NM"             "Joint regime"      "Overlapping claim"
#> $mrgid_sov1
#>   [1]    14    15    17  2097  2098  2099  2100  2101  2102  2103  2104  2105
#>  [13]  2106  2108  2110  2111  2112  2113  2114  2115  2116  2118  2119  2120
#>  [25]  2121  2122  2123  2124  2125  2126  2127  2128  2129  2131  2132  2133
#>  [37]  2134  2135  2136  2139  2142  2143  2144  2145  2147  2149  2150  2152
#>  [49]  2153  2154  2156  2157  2159  2160  2161  2162  2163  2165  2166  2168
#>  [61]  2169  2170  2171  2174  2175  2176  2177  2180  2182  2183  2185  2186
#>  [73]  2187  2188  2190  2191  2192  2194  2195  2196  2198  2199  2200  2201
#>  [85]  2202  2204  2205  2206  2207  2208  2210  2212  2213  2214  2215  2216
#>  [97]  2217  2218  2219  2220  2221  2222  2224  2225  2226  2227  2229  2230
#> [109]  2236  2237  2238  2240  2241  2242  2243  2244  2245  2249  2250  2251
#> [121]  2252  2253  2255  2257  3384  3868  7963  8468  8593  8594  8595  8596
#> [133]  8600  8601  8603  8614  8617  8632  8633  8637  8639  8640  8644  8645
#> [145]  8647  8648  8649  8650  8651  8671  8674  8681  8682  8685  8757 15525
#> [157] 17831
#> $territory1
#>   [1] "Abu musa, Greater and Lesser Tunb"           
#>   [2] "Alaska"                                      
#>   [3] "Albania"                                     
#>   [4] "Algeria"                                     
#>   [5] "Alhucemas Islands"                           
#>   [6] "American Samoa"                              
#>   [7] "Amsterdam and Saint Paul Islands"            
#>   [8] "Andaman and Nicobar"                         
#>   [9] "Angola"                                      
#>  [10] "Anguilla"                                    
#>  [11] "Antigua and Barbuda"                         
#>  [12] "Argentina"                                   
#>  [13] "Aruba"                                       
#>  [14] "Ascension"                                   
#>  [15] "Australia"                                   
#>  [16] "Azerbaijan"                                  
#>  [17] "Azores"                                      
#>  [18] "Bahamas"                                     
#>  [19] "Bahrain"                                     
#>  [20] "Bajo Nuevo Bank"                             
#>  [21] "Bangladesh"                                  
#>  [22] "Barbados"                                    
#>  [23] "Bassas da India"                             
#>  [24] "Belgium"                                     
#>  [25] "Belize"                                      
#>  [26] "Benin"                                       
#>  [27] "Bermuda"                                     
#>  [28] "Bonaire"                                     
#>  [29] "Bosnia and Herzegovina"                      
#>  [30] "Brazil"                                      
#>  [31] "British Virgin Islands"                      
#>  [32] "Brunei"                                      
#>  [33] "Bulgaria"                                    
#>  [34] "Cambodia"                                    
#>  [35] "Cameroon"                                    
#>  [36] "Canada"                                      
#>  [37] "Canary Islands"                              
#>  [38] "Cape Verde"                                  
#>  [39] "Cayman Islands"                              
#>  [40] "Ceuta"                                       
#>  [41] "Chafarinas Islands"                          
#>  [42] "Chagos Archipelago"                          
#>  [43] "Chile"                                       
#>  [44] "China"                                       
#>  [45] "Christmas Island"                            
#>  [46] "Clipperton Island"                           
#>  [47] "Cocos Islands"                               
#>  [48] "Collectivity of Saint Martin"                
#>  [49] "Colombia"                                    
#>  [50] "Comores"                                     
#>  [51] "Cook Islands"                                
#>  [52] "Costa Rica"                                  
#>  [53] "Croatia"                                     
#>  [54] "Crozet Islands"                              
#>  [55] "Cuba"                                        
#>  [56] "Curaçao"                                     
#>  [57] "Cyprus"                                      
#>  [58] "Democratic Republic of the Congo"            
#>  [59] "Denmark"                                     
#>  [60] "Djibouti"                                    
#>  [61] "Dominica"                                    
#>  [62] "Dominican Republic"                          
#>  [63] "Doumeira Islands"                            
#>  [64] "East Timor"                                  
#>  [65] "Easter Island"                               
#>  [66] "Ecuador"                                     
#>  [67] "Egypt"                                       
#>  [68] "El Salvador"                                 
#>  [69] "Equatorial Guinea"                           
#>  [70] "Eritrea"                                     
#>  [71] "Estonia"                                     
#>  [72] "Europa Island"                               
#>  [73] "Faeroe"                                      
#>  [74] "Falkland / Malvinas Islands"                 
#>  [75] "Federal Republic of Somalia"                 
#>  [76] "Fiji"                                        
#>  [77] "Finland"                                     
#>  [78] "France"                                      
#>  [79] "French Guiana"                               
#>  [80] "French Polynesia"                            
#>  [81] "Gabon"                                       
#>  [82] "Galapagos"                                   
#>  [83] "Gambia"                                      
#>  [84] "Georgia"                                     
#>  [85] "Germany"                                     
#>  [86] "Ghana"                                       
#>  [87] "Gibraltar"                                   
#>  [88] "Gilbert Islands"                             
#>  [89] "Glorioso Islands"                            
#>  [90] "Greece"                                      
#>  [91] "Greenland"                                   
#>  [92] "Grenada"                                     
#>  [93] "Guadeloupe"                                  
#>  [94] "Guam"                                        
#>  [95] "Guatemala"                                   
#>  [96] "Guernsey"                                    
#>  [97] "Guinea"                                      
#>  [98] "Guinea-Bissau"                               
#>  [99] "Guyana"                                      
#> [100] "Haiti"                                       
#> [101] "Halaib Triangle"                             
#> [102] "Hawaii"                                      
#> [103] "Heard and McDonald Islands"                  
#> [104] "Honduras"                                    
#> [105] "Howland and Baker Islands"                   
#> [106] "Iceland"                                     
#> [107] "Ile Tromelin"                                
#> [108] "India"                                       
#> [109] "Indonesia"                                   
#> [110] "Iran"                                        
#> [111] "Iraq"                                        
#> [112] "Ireland"                                     
#> [113] "Islas San Félix and San Ambrosio"            
#> [114] "Isle of Man"                                 
#> [115] "Israel"                                      
#> [116] "Italy"                                       
#> [117] "Ivory Coast"                                 
#> [118] "Jamaica"                                     
#> [119] "Jan Mayen"                                   
#> [120] "Japan"                                       
#> [121] "Jarvis Island"                               
#> [122] "Jersey"                                      
#> [123] "Johnston Atoll"                              
#> [124] "Jordan"                                      
#> [125] "Juan de Nova Island"                         
#> [126] "Kazakhstan"                                  
#> [127] "Kenya"                                       
#> [128] "Kerguélen"                                   
#> [129] "Kuril Islands"                               
#> [130] "Kuwait"                                      
#> [131] "Latvia"                                      
#> [132] "Lebanon"                                     
#> [133] "Liancourt Rocks"                             
#> [134] "Liberia"                                     
#> [135] "Libya"                                       
#> [136] "Line Group"                                  
#> [137] "Lithuania"                                   
#> [138] "Macquarie Island"                            
#> [139] "Madagascar"                                  
#> [140] "Madeira"                                     
#> [141] "Malaysia"                                    
#> [142] "Maldives"                                    
#> [143] "Malta"                                       
#> [144] "Marshall Islands"                            
#> [145] "Martinique"                                  
#> [146] "Matthew and Hunter Islands"                  
#> [147] "Mauritania"                                  
#> [148] "Mayotte"                                     
#> [149] "Melilla"                                     
#> [150] "Mexico"                                      
#> [151] "Micronesia"                                  
#> [152] "Monaco"                                      
#> [153] "Montenegro"                                  
#> [154] "Montserrat"                                  
#> [155] "Morocco"                                     
#> [156] "Mozambique"                                  
#> [157] "Myanmar"                                     
#> [158] "Namibia"                                     
#> [159] "Nauru"                                       
#> [160] "Navassa Island"                              
#> [161] "Netherlands"                                 
#> [162] "New Caledonia"                               
#> [163] "New Zealand"                                 
#> [164] "Nicaragua"                                   
#> [165] "Nigeria"                                     
#> [166] "Niue"                                        
#> [167] "Norfolk Island"                              
#> [168] "North Korea"                                 
#> [169] "Northern Mariana Islands"                    
#> [170] "Norway"                                      
#> [171] "Oecusse"                                     
#> [172] "Oman"                                        
#> [173] "Pakistan"                                    
#> [174] "Palau"                                       
#> [175] "Palestine"                                   
#> [176] "Palmyra Atoll"                               
#> [177] "Panama"                                      
#> [178] "Papua New Guinea"                            
#> [179] "Perejil Island"                              
#> [180] "Peru"                                        
#> [181] "Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera"                 
#> [182] "Philippines"                                 
#> [183] "Phoenix Group"                               
#> [184] "Pitcairn"                                    
#> [185] "Poland"                                      
#> [186] "Portugal"                                    
#> [187] "Prince Edward Islands"                       
#> [188] "Puerto Rico"                                 
#> [189] "Qatar"                                       
#> [190] "Quitasueño Bank"                             
#> [191] "Republic of Mauritius"                       
#> [192] "Republic of the Congo"                       
#> [193] "Romania"                                     
#> [194] "Russia"                                      
#> [195] "Réunion"                                     
#> [196] "Saba"                                        
#> [197] "Saint Helena"                                
#> [198] "Saint Kitts and Nevis"                       
#> [199] "Saint Lucia"                                 
#> [200] "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"            
#> [201] "Saint-Barthélemy"                            
#> [202] "Saint-Pierre and Miquelon"                   
#> [203] "Samoa"                                       
#> [204] "Sao Tome and Principe"                       
#> [205] "Saudi Arabia"                                
#> [206] "Senegal"                                     
#> [207] "Senkaku Islands"                             
#> [208] "Serrana Bank"                                
#> [209] "Serranilla Bank"                             
#> [210] "Seychelles"                                  
#> [211] "Sierra Leone"                                
#> [212] "Singapore"                                   
#> [213] "Sint-Eustatius"                              
#> [214] "Sint-Maarten"                                
#> [215] "Slovenia"                                    
#> [216] "Solomon Islands"                             
#> [217] "South Africa"                                
#> [218] "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
#> [219] "South Korea"                                 
#> [220] "Spain"                                       
#> [221] "Sri Lanka"                                   
#> [222] "Sudan"                                       
#> [223] "Suriname"                                    
#> [224] "Svalbard"                                    
#> [225] "Sweden"                                      
#> [226] "Syria"                                       
#> [227] "São Tomé and Principe"                       
#> [228] "Taiwan"                                      
#> [229] "Tanzania"                                    
#> [230] "Thailand"                                    
#> [231] "Togo"                                        
#> [232] "Tokelau"                                     
#> [233] "Tonga"                                       
#> [234] "Trindade"                                    
#> [235] "Trinidad and Tobago"                         
#> [236] "Tristan da Cunha"                            
#> [237] "Tunisia"                                     
#> [238] "Turkey"                                      
#> [239] "Turkmenistan"                                
#> [240] "Turks and Caicos Islands"                    
#> [241] "Tuvalu"                                      
#> [242] "Ukraine"                                     
#> [243] "United Arab Emirates"                        
#> [244] "United Kingdom"                              
#> [245] "United States"                               
#> [246] "United States Virgin Islands"                
#> [247] "Uruguay"                                     
#> [248] "Vanuatu"                                     
#> [249] "Venezuela"                                   
#> [250] "Vietnam"                                     
#> [251] "Wake Island / Enenkio"                       
#> [252] "Wallis and Futuna"                           
#> [253] "Western Sahara"                              
#> [254] "Yemen"                                       
#> $iso_ter1
#>   [1] "ABW" "AGO" "AIA" "ALB" "ARE" "ARG" "ASM" "ATF" "ATG" "AUS" "AZE" "BEL"
#>  [13] "BEN" "BES" "BGD" "BGR" "BHR" "BHS" "BIH" "BLM" "BLZ" "BMU" "BRA" "BRB"
#>  [25] "BRN" "CAN" "CCK" "CHL" "CHN" "CIV" "CMR" "COD" "COG" "COK" "COL" "COM"
#>  [37] "CPV" "CRI" "CUB" "CUW" "CXR" "CYM" "CYP" "DEU" "DJI" "DMA" "DNK" "DOM"
#>  [49] "DZA" "ECU" "EGY" "ERI" "ESH" "ESP" "EST" "FIN" "FJI" "FLK" "FRA" "FRO"
#>  [61] "FSM" "GAB" "GBR" "GEO" "GGY" "GHA" "GIB" "GIN" "GLP" "GMB" "GNB" "GNQ"
#>  [73] "GRC" "GRD" "GRL" "GTM" "GUF" "GUM" "GUY" "HMD" "HND" "HRV" "HTI" "IDN"
#>  [85] "IMN" "IND" "IRL" "IRN" "IRQ" "ISL" "ISR" "ITA" "JAM" "JEY" "JOR" "JPN"
#>  [97] "KAZ" "KEN" "KHM" "KIR" "KNA" "KOR" "KWT" "LBN" "LBR" "LBY" "LCA" "LKA"
#> [109] "LTU" "LVA" "MAF" "MAR" "MCO" "MDG" "MDV" "MEX" "MHL" "MLT" "MMR" "MNE"
#> [121] "MNP" "MOZ" "MRT" "MSR" "MTQ" "MUS" "MYS" "MYT" "NAM" "NCL" "NFK" "NGA"
#> [133] "NIC" "NIU" "NLD" "NOR" "NRU" "NZL" "OMN" "PAK" "PAN" "PCN" "PER" "PHL"
#> [145] "PLW" "PNG" "POL" "PRI" "PRK" "PRT" "PSE" "PYF" "QAT" "REU" "ROU" "RUS"
#> [157] "SAU" "SDN" "SEN" "SGP" "SGS" "SHN" "SJM" "SLB" "SLE" "SLV" "SOM" "SPM"
#> [169] "STP" "SUR" "SVN" "SWE" "SXM" "SYC" "SYR" "TCA" "TGO" "THA" "TKL" "TKM"
#> [181] "TLS" "TON" "TTO" "TUN" "TUR" "TUV" "TWN" "TZA" "UKR" "UMI" "URY" "USA"
#> [193] "VCT" "VEN" "VGB" "VIR" "VNM" "VUT" "WLF" "WSM" "YEM" "ZAF"
#> $sovereign1
#>   [1] "Albania"                          "Algeria"                         
#>   [3] "Angola"                           "Antigua and Barbuda"             
#>   [5] "Argentina"                        "Australia"                       
#>   [7] "Azerbaijan"                       "Bahamas"                         
#>   [9] "Bahrain"                          "Bangladesh"                      
#>  [11] "Barbados"                         "Belgium"                         
#>  [13] "Belize"                           "Benin"                           
#>  [15] "Bosnia and Herzegovina"           "Brazil"                          
#>  [17] "Brunei"                           "Bulgaria"                        
#>  [19] "Cambodia"                         "Cameroon"                        
#>  [21] "Canada"                           "Cape Verde"                      
#>  [23] "Chile"                            "China"                           
#>  [25] "Colombia"                         "Comores"                         
#>  [27] "Costa Rica"                       "Croatia"                         
#>  [29] "Cuba"                             "Cyprus"                          
#>  [31] "Democratic Republic of the Congo" "Denmark"                         
#>  [33] "Djibouti"                         "Dominica"                        
#>  [35] "Dominican Republic"               "East Timor"                      
#>  [37] "Ecuador"                          "Egypt"                           
#>  [39] "El Salvador"                      "Equatorial Guinea"               
#>  [41] "Eritrea"                          "Estonia"                         
#>  [43] "Federal Republic of Somalia"      "Fiji"                            
#>  [45] "Finland"                          "France"                          
#>  [47] "Gabon"                            "Gambia"                          
#>  [49] "Georgia"                          "Germany"                         
#>  [51] "Ghana"                            "Greece"                          
#>  [53] "Grenada"                          "Guatemala"                       
#>  [55] "Guinea"                           "Guinea-Bissau"                   
#>  [57] "Guyana"                           "Haiti"                           
#>  [59] "Honduras"                         "Iceland"                         
#>  [61] "India"                            "Indonesia"                       
#>  [63] "Iran"                             "Iraq"                            
#>  [65] "Ireland"                          "Israel"                          
#>  [67] "Italy"                            "Ivory Coast"                     
#>  [69] "Jamaica"                          "Japan"                           
#>  [71] "Jordan"                           "Kazakhstan"                      
#>  [73] "Kenya"                            "Kiribati"                        
#>  [75] "Kuwait"                           "Latvia"                          
#>  [77] "Lebanon"                          "Liberia"                         
#>  [79] "Libya"                            "Lithuania"                       
#>  [81] "Madagascar"                       "Malaysia"                        
#>  [83] "Maldives"                         "Malta"                           
#>  [85] "Marshall Islands"                 "Mauritania"                      
#>  [87] "Mexico"                           "Micronesia"                      
#>  [89] "Monaco"                           "Montenegro"                      
#>  [91] "Morocco"                          "Mozambique"                      
#>  [93] "Myanmar"                          "Namibia"                         
#>  [95] "Nauru"                            "Netherlands"                     
#>  [97] "New Zealand"                      "Nicaragua"                       
#>  [99] "Nigeria"                          "North Korea"                     
#> [101] "Norway"                           "Oman"                            
#> [103] "Pakistan"                         "Palau"                           
#> [105] "Palestine"                        "Panama"                          
#> [107] "Papua New Guinea"                 "Peru"                            
#> [109] "Philippines"                      "Poland"                          
#> [111] "Portugal"                         "Qatar"                           
#> [113] "Republic of Mauritius"            "Republic of the Congo"           
#> [115] "Romania"                          "Russia"                          
#> [117] "Saint Kitts and Nevis"            "Saint Lucia"                     
#> [119] "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" "Samoa"                           
#> [121] "Sao Tome and Principe"            "Saudi Arabia"                    
#> [123] "Senegal"                          "Seychelles"                      
#> [125] "Sierra Leone"                     "Singapore"                       
#> [127] "Slovenia"                         "Solomon Islands"                 
#> [129] "South Africa"                     "South Korea"                     
#> [131] "Spain"                            "Sri Lanka"                       
#> [133] "Sudan"                            "Suriname"                        
#> [135] "Sweden"                           "Syria"                           
#> [137] "São Tomé and Principe"            "Taiwan"                          
#> [139] "Tanzania"                         "Thailand"                        
#> [141] "Togo"                             "Tonga"                           
#> [143] "Trinidad and Tobago"              "Tunisia"                         
#> [145] "Turkey"                           "Turkmenistan"                    
#> [147] "Tuvalu"                           "Ukraine"                         
#> [149] "United Arab Emirates"             "United Kingdom"                  
#> [151] "United States"                    "Uruguay"                         
#> [153] "Vanuatu"                          "Venezuela"                       
#> [155] "Vietnam"                          "Western Sahara"                  
#> [157] "Yemen"                           
#> $mrgid_ter2
#>  [1]  2103  2121  2123  2124  2126  2129  2133  2147  2149  2166  2175  2177
#> [13]  2180  2185  2186  2188  2190  2194  2204  2215  2240  2253  3297  5343
#> [25]  5363  5660  8597  8606  8607  8613  8617  8623  8624  8638  8640  8652
#> [37]  8685  9011 14864 20312 36288 48934 48935 48936 48994 48995 48996 49593
#> [49] 64457 64458
#> $mrgid_sov2
#>  [1]   15   17 2103 2121 2123 2124 2126 2129 2131 2133 2147 2149 2157 2163 2166
#> [16] 2175 2180 2185 2186 2188 2190 2194 2202 2204 2208 2215 2221 2226 2240 2252
#> [31] 2253 3868 7963 8600 8603 8640 8685
#> $territory2
#>  [1] "Abu musa, Greater and Lesser Tunb"           
#>  [2] "Alhucemas Islands"                           
#>  [3] "Argentina"                                   
#>  [4] "Aruba"                                       
#>  [5] "Australia"                                   
#>  [6] "Cayman Islands"                              
#>  [7] "Ceuta"                                       
#>  [8] "Chafarinas Islands"                          
#>  [9] "Colombia"                                    
#> [10] "Dominican Republic"                          
#> [11] "Doumeira Islands"                            
#> [12] "Ecuador"                                     
#> [13] "Faeroe"                                      
#> [14] "Falkland / Malvinas Islands"                 
#> [15] "Galapagos"                                   
#> [16] "Glorioso Islands"                            
#> [17] "Guinea-Bissau"                               
#> [18] "Guyana"                                      
#> [19] "Halaib Triangle"                             
#> [20] "Honduras"                                    
#> [21] "Iceland"                                     
#> [22] "Ile Tromelin"                                
#> [23] "Iran"                                        
#> [24] "Israel"                                      
#> [25] "Italy"                                       
#> [26] "Jan Mayen"                                   
#> [27] "Japan"                                       
#> [28] "Kuril Islands"                               
#> [29] "Liancourt Rocks"                             
#> [30] "Libya"                                       
#> [31] "Matthew and Hunter Islands"                  
#> [32] "Mayotte"                                     
#> [33] "Melilla"                                     
#> [34] "Navassa Island"                              
#> [35] "Nigeria"                                     
#> [36] "Perejil Island"                              
#> [37] "Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera"                 
#> [38] "Russia"                                      
#> [39] "Saudi Arabia"                                
#> [40] "Senkaku Islands"                             
#> [41] "Singapore"                                   
#> [42] "Slovenia"                                    
#> [43] "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
#> [44] "Spain"                                       
#> [45] "Sweden"                                      
#> [46] "Taiwan"                                      
#> [47] "Trinidad and Tobago"                         
#> [48] "Ukraine"                                     
#> [49] "United States"                               
#> [50] "Wake Island / Enenkio"                       
#> [51] "Western Sahara"                              
#> $iso_ter2
#>  [1] "ABW" "ARG" "ATF" "AUS" "COL" "CYM" "DOM" "ECU" "ESH" "ESP" "FLK" "FRO"
#> [13] "GNB" "GUY" "HND" "IRN" "ISL" "ISR" "ITA" "JPN" "LBY" "MYT" "NGA" "RUS"
#> [25] "SAU" "SGP" "SGS" "SJM" "SVN" "SWE" "TTO" "TWN" "UKR" "UMI" "USA"
#> $sovereign2
#>  [1] "Argentina"           "Australia"           "China"              
#>  [4] "Colombia"            "Comores"             "Denmark"            
#>  [7] "Djibouti"            "Dominican Republic"  "Ecuador"            
#> [10] "Egypt"               "France"              "Guinea-Bissau"      
#> [13] "Guyana"              "Honduras"            "Iceland"            
#> [16] "Iran"                "Israel"              "Italy"              
#> [19] "Japan"               "Libya"               "Madagascar"         
#> [22] "Marshall Islands"    "Morocco"             "Netherlands"        
#> [25] "Nigeria"             "Norway"              "Russia"             
#> [28] "Saudi Arabia"        "Singapore"           "Slovenia"           
#> [31] "South Korea"         "Spain"               "Sweden"             
#> [34] "Trinidad and Tobago" "United Kingdom"      "United States"      
#> [37] "Vanuatu"            
#> $mrgid_ter3
#> [1]  2201  2206  8613  8640 20312 48936
#> $mrgid_sov3
#> [1] 2201 2206 8603 8614 8640 8682
#> $territory3
#> [1] "Dominican Republic"   "Ile Tromelin"         "Senkaku Islands"     
#> [4] "United Arab Emirates" "Venezuela"           
#> $iso_ter3
#> [1] "ARE" "DOM" "VEN"
#> $sovereign3
#> [1] "China"                 "Dominican Republic"    "Republic of Mauritius"
#> [4] "United Arab Emirates"  "Venezuela"            
#> $x_1
#>   [1] "-0.85027"   "-1.96130"   "-10.17763"  "-10.92284"  "-10.98204" 
#>   [6] "-105.33346" "-107.43869" "-109.21728" "-11.20987"  "-11.75544" 
#>  [11] "-119.97660" "-127.42131" "-139.85200" "-14.14468"  "-14.36337" 
#>  [16] "-144.00327" "-15.62051"  "-151.05753" "-154.72634" "-16.81091" 
#>  [21] "-160.46839" "-161.30341" "-162.89881" "-169.06347" "-169.33138"
#>  [26] "-169.50612" "-17.12724"  "-17.56720"  "-17.61396"  "-17.69542" 
#>  [31] "-17.91755"  "-172.08495" "-172.45397" "-172.75372" "-174.76586"
#>  [36] "-176.72727" "-176.81123" "-18.38751"  "-18.44845"  "-18.50357" 
#>  [41] "-18.77443"  "-2.19330"   "-2.45356"   "-2.49561"   "-2.91697"  
#>  [46] "-24.17164"  "-27.97601"  "-29.09644"  "-3.87866"   "-31.26381" 
#>  [51] "-31.97096"  "-39.44423"  "-4.15801"   "-4.28845"   "-4.30609"  
#>  [56] "-4.57203"   "-5.21961"   "-5.25129"   "-5.30551"   "-5.33333"  
#>  [61] "-5.42011"   "-5.45221"   "-5.70869"   "-51.75618"  "-53.32143" 
#>  [66] "-54.76698"  "-55.16096"  "-56.38701"  "-57.13214"  "-57.64094" 
#>  [71] "-57.88712"  "-57.99356"  "-58.32237"  "-59.85044"  "-59.98478" 
#>  [76] "-6.99690"   "-60.20055"  "-60.57064"  "-60.72114"  "-61.10359" 
#>  [81] "-61.69442"  "-62.05881"  "-62.15567"  "-62.48384"  "-62.54329" 
#>  [86] "-62.62740"  "-62.90578"  "-63.12285"  "-63.12987"  "-63.20282" 
#>  [91] "-63.60185"  "-64.50497"  "-64.80693"  "-64.92435"  "-65.91423" 
#>  [96] "-66.78687"  "-66.84125"  "-68.36978"  "-68.97176"  "-69.65326" 
#> [101] "-69.67224"  "-69.67341"  "-7.51858"   "-70.85361"  "-71.09015" 
#> [106] "-72.50386"  "-73.54856"  "-75.18373"  "-75.57785"  "-75.62881" 
#> [111] "-77.29089"  "-78.06222"  "-78.63333"  "-78.88478"  "-79.14572" 
#> [116] "-79.85562"  "-79.99086"  "-8.50000"   "-80.30185"  "-80.34583" 
#> [121] "-81.13914"  "-81.16088"  "-81.43712"  "-81.53050"  "-82.20864" 
#> [126] "-82.53293"  "-83.49562"  "-83.84845"  "-83.94222"  "-86.50737" 
#> [131] "-87.56601"  "-88.21289"  "-88.84132"  "-89.74411"  "-89.94236" 
#> [136] "-9.85201"   "-90.83174"  "-92.09080"  "-95.82133"  "1.82135"   
#> [141] "10.50095"   "10.59577"   "10.73256"   "102.54228"  "103.82677" 
#> [146] "104.45239"  "105.36523"  "108.75025"  "109.27469"  "11.03537"  
#> [151] "11.05319"   "113.38608"  "114.10176"  "117.89121"  "118.14570" 
#> [156] "118.71458"  "12.28547"   "12.93234"   "122.16379"  "124.12211" 
#> [161] "124.27075"  "126.85410"  "127.57712"  "127.57808"  "128.99535" 
#> [166] "13.30933"   "13.57896"   "131.86633"  "133.06950"  "138.08411" 
#> [171] "138.44863"  "14.00130"   "142.40882"  "144.00261"  "145.73933" 
#> [176] "147.96154"  "15.11121"   "15.64779"   "150.32248"  "150.71973" 
#> [181] "158.65291"  "163.20377"  "163.68539"  "166.12396"  "166.53046" 
#> [186] "167.48547"  "167.92898"  "168.55743"  "17.26042"   "17.59256"  
#> [191] "172.03655"  "172.78214"  "18.11402"   "18.30277"   "18.35677"  
#> [196] "18.68015"   "19.11300"   "2.42123"    "2.72132"    "20.36307"  
#> [201] "21.35288"   "21.88919"   "23.00232"   "23.93215"   "24.44331"  
#> [206] "25.70163"   "29.20165"   "3.53979"    "30.07850"   "31.15948"  
#> [211] "32.63526"   "33.22060"   "33.63465"   "34.10220"   "34.23444"  
#> [216] "34.94186"   "34.94683"   "35.49624"   "36.87917"   "37.46457"  
#> [221] "37.80854"   "37.95740"   "38.14367"   "39.42518"   "4.18649"   
#> [226] "4.82275"    "40.10928"   "40.48313"   "40.56174"   "40.59255"  
#> [231] "41.16860"   "41.93765"   "42.09428"   "43.22221"   "43.43296"  
#> [236] "43.45423"   "45.30656"   "47.09690"   "47.25395"   "48.49205"  
#> [241] "48.58199"   "48.61916"   "48.69255"   "5.43745"    "5.58699"   
#> [246] "50.33172"   "50.70534"   "51.01440"   "51.21209"   "51.59986"  
#> [251] "51.88076"   "52.06161"   "52.46872"   "52.63853"   "53.87936"  
#> [256] "53.89303"   "54.67305"   "54.71328"   "55.17180"   "58.66998"  
#> [261] "6.35335"    "60.11720"   "64.71175"   "68.97460"   "7.58768"   
#> [266] "71.72934"   "71.99388"   "73.08545"   "73.73051"   "74.28785"  
#> [271] "76.08526"   "77.54181"   "8.39609"    "8.73897"    "81.63607"  
#> [276] "9.04886"    "9.20529"    "9.31089"    "90.56153"   "92.18967"  
#> [281] "93.47078"   "93.67735"   "94.65552"   "96.85434"   "99.62852"  
#> $y_1
#>   [1] "-0.04184"  "-0.25912"  "-0.59113"  "-0.91400"  "-0.96556"  "-1.37183" 
#>   [7] "-10.04465" "-11.09799" "-11.24358" "-11.42314" "-11.61810" "-11.70110"
#>  [13] "-11.89940" "-12.03146" "-12.75492" "-13.21698" "-13.29687" "-13.85484"
#>  [19] "-15.01891" "-15.71127" "-15.97278" "-16.58523" "-16.81021" "-17.30663"
#>  [25] "-17.94847" "-18.73634" "-19.52315" "-20.22175" "-20.37062" "-20.50277"
#>  [31] "-20.86054" "-20.91335" "-21.01871" "-21.78197" "-23.27911" "-23.53682"
#>  [37] "-23.64969" "-24.60623" "-26.33091" "-26.82400" "-27.36226" "-29.09314"
#>  [43] "-3.06254"  "-3.30578"  "-3.38855"  "-3.47464"  "-3.73181"  "-3.82154" 
#>  [49] "-33.50802" "-35.78927" "-36.25493" "-38.29431" "-38.76190" "-40.98629"
#>  [55] "-42.76615" "-46.30782" "-46.83292" "-47.05868" "-48.87795" "-5.33648" 
#>  [61] "-5.45663"  "-51.66703" "-53.49863" "-54.87630" "-56.52404" "-6.40153" 
#>  [67] "-6.54778"  "-6.55593"  "-7.21087"  "-7.81254"  "-7.94747"  "-8.63257" 
#>  [73] "-9.04989"  "-9.53965"  "-9.78156"  "0.77910"   "0.79130"   "1.27144"  
#>  [79] "1.40778"   "1.46058"   "10.15136"  "10.22543"  "10.30869"  "10.56539" 
#>  [85] "10.58066"  "10.68079"  "10.95788"  "11.26100"  "11.60379"  "11.84859" 
#>  [91] "11.99710"  "12.24388"  "12.26791"  "12.55243"  "12.71120"  "12.75889" 
#>  [97] "12.78887"  "12.81975"  "12.88906"  "12.92958"  "13.14179"  "13.15805" 
#> [103] "13.16246"  "13.32288"  "13.32867"  "13.69463"  "13.74138"  "13.87770" 
#> [109] "14.30362"  "14.38087"  "14.59807"  "14.97512"  "14.99651"  "15.01851" 
#> [115] "15.05334"  "15.30381"  "15.47035"  "15.49739"  "15.79719"  "15.82346" 
#> [121] "15.84999"  "16.09190"  "16.12316"  "16.41292"  "16.66861"  "16.75109" 
#> [127] "16.79880"  "16.91154"  "16.99022"  "17.23444"  "17.25496"  "17.33890" 
#> [133] "17.37739"  "17.79821"  "17.91219"  "17.93270"  "17.93813"  "18.03469" 
#> [139] "18.24852"  "18.28660"  "18.33814"  "18.70111"  "18.73279"  "18.94915" 
#> [145] "19.13826"  "19.15345"  "19.50326"  "19.74792"  "2.06760"   "2.46352"  
#> [151] "20.01803"  "20.38988"  "20.47561"  "20.89448"  "21.35018"  "21.42076" 
#> [157] "21.60004"  "22.45276"  "22.61164"  "22.80987"  "23.34236"  "23.53950" 
#> [163] "24.04099"  "24.69243"  "24.94396"  "25.11716"  "25.86236"  "26.01269" 
#> [169] "26.33540"  "26.52080"  "27.73853"  "28.36715"  "29.17480"  "29.43517" 
#> [175] "29.55656"  "29.75582"  "29.78160"  "29.87235"  "3.22641"   "3.30891"  
#> [181] "3.46278"   "3.50201"   "3.80280"   "30.44760"  "30.81396"  "31.56915" 
#> [187] "32.36899"  "32.61120"  "32.78135"  "32.81282"  "33.15017"  "33.17302" 
#> [193] "33.95296"  "34.48929"  "34.76211"  "35.16990"  "35.18525"  "35.23422" 
#> [199] "35.31355"  "35.31672"  "35.32871"  "35.74071"  "35.86909"  "35.91465" 
#> [205] "36.00133"  "36.08832"  "36.50720"  "37.20344"  "37.24233"  "38.31921" 
#> [211] "38.47538"  "39.29232"  "39.65266"  "39.82785"  "4.08512"   "4.63949"  
#> [217] "4.84155"   "40.28350"  "40.52224"  "40.92708"  "41.30715"  "41.72201" 
#> [223] "41.87023"  "42.44625"  "42.91656"  "42.93396"  "43.34802"  "43.43699" 
#> [229] "43.88606"  "44.24109"  "44.47442"  "44.95192"  "45.25417"  "45.49770" 
#> [235] "45.56287"  "45.85719"  "46.07075"  "49.12645"  "49.58296"  "5.02226"  
#> [241] "5.16367"   "51.46321"  "52.65304"  "53.61335"  "54.18818"  "54.55382" 
#> [247] "54.91230"  "55.75616"  "56.15007"  "56.79247"  "57.10508"  "58.77012" 
#> [253] "58.80998"  "59.01170"  "59.48460"  "6.06282"   "6.44393"   "6.54638"  
#> [259] "6.63541"   "6.68090"   "6.68794"   "6.73691"   "6.76843"   "60.03609" 
#> [265] "61.18112"  "61.75484"  "62.59460"  "63.15298"  "64.69826"  "68.17846" 
#> [271] "68.58756"  "69.29167"  "7.59776"   "71.11421"  "71.32185"  "72.03395" 
#> [277] "72.92452"  "75.47965"  "78.71360"  "8.28880"   "8.60754"   "8.61338"  
#> [283] "9.16729"   "9.18114"   "9.97738"  
#> $mrgid_eez
#>   [1]  3293  5668  5669  5670  5672  5673  5674  5675  5676  5677  5678  5679
#>  [13]  5680  5681  5682  5683  5684  5685  5686  5687  5688  5689  5690  5691
#>  [25]  5692  5693  5694  5695  5696  5697  8308  8309  8310  8311  8312  8313
#>  [37]  8314  8315  8316  8317  8318  8319  8321  8322  8323  8324  8325  8326
#>  [49]  8327  8328  8331  8332  8333  8334  8337  8338  8339  8340  8341  8343
#>  [61]  8345  8346  8347  8348  8349  8350  8351  8352  8353  8354  8355  8356
#>  [73]  8357  8358  8359  8360  8361  8362  8363  8364  8365  8366  8367  8368
#>  [85]  8369  8370  8371  8372  8373  8374  8375  8376  8378  8379  8380  8381
#>  [97]  8382  8383  8384  8385  8386  8387  8388  8389  8390  8391  8392  8393
#> [109]  8394  8395  8396  8397  8398  8400  8401  8402  8403  8404  8405  8406
#> [121]  8407  8408  8409  8411  8412  8413  8414  8415  8416  8417  8418  8419
#> [133]  8420  8421  8423  8424  8425  8426  8427  8428  8429  8430  8431  8432
#> [145]  8433  8435  8437  8438  8439  8440  8441  8442  8443  8444  8445  8446
#> [157]  8447  8448  8449  8450  8451  8452  8453  8454  8455  8456  8457  8459
#> [169]  8460  8461  8462  8463  8464  8465  8466  8467  8468  8469  8470  8471
#> [181]  8472  8473  8474  8475  8476  8477  8478  8479  8480  8481  8482  8483
#> [193]  8484  8485  8486  8487  8488  8490  8491  8492  8493  8494  8495  8758
#> [205] 21787 21788 21789 21790 21791 21792 21796 21797 21798 21803 22491 22756
#> [217] 26517 26518 26519 26520 26521 26522 26523 26524 26526 26582 33177 33178
#> [229] 33179 33180 33181 33185 48943 48944 48945 48946 48947 48948 48950 48951
#> [241] 48952 48953 48954 48955 48956 48957 48961 48962 48964 48965 48966 48967
#> [253] 48968 48969 48970 48971 48972 48973 48974 48975 48976 48977 48978 48980
#> [265] 48982 48984 48985 48997 48998 48999 49000 49001 49002 49003 50167 50170
#> [277] 62589 62596 62598 64430 64431 64440 64446 64459 64460
#> $iso_sov1
#>   [1] "AGO" "ALB" "ARE" "ARG" "ATG" "AUS" "AZE" "BEL" "BEN" "BGD" "BGR" "BHR"
#>  [13] "BHS" "BIH" "BLZ" "BRA" "BRB" "BRN" "CAN" "CHL" "CHN" "CIV" "CMR" "COD"
#>  [25] "COG" "COL" "COM" "CPV" "CRI" "CUB" "CYP" "DEU" "DJI" "DMA" "DNK" "DOM"
#>  [37] "DZA" "ECU" "EGY" "ERI" "ESH" "ESP" "EST" "FIN" "FJI" "FRA" "FSM" "GAB"
#>  [49] "GBR" "GEO" "GHA" "GIB" "GIN" "GMB" "GNB" "GNQ" "GRC" "GRD" "GTM" "GUY"
#>  [61] "HND" "HRV" "HTI" "IDN" "IND" "IRL" "IRN" "IRQ" "ISL" "ISR" "ITA" "JAM"
#>  [73] "JOR" "JPN" "KAZ" "KEN" "KHM" "KIR" "KNA" "KOR" "KWT" "LBN" "LBR" "LBY"
#>  [85] "LCA" "LKA" "LTU" "LVA" "MAR" "MCO" "MDG" "MDV" "MEX" "MHL" "MLT" "MMR"
#>  [97] "MNE" "MOZ" "MRT" "MUS" "MYS" "NAM" "NGA" "NIC" "NLD" "NOR" "NRU" "NZL"
#> [109] "OMN" "PAK" "PAN" "PER" "PHL" "PLW" "PNG" "POL" "PRK" "PRT" "PSE" "QAT"
#> [121] "ROU" "RUS" "SAU" "SDN" "SEN" "SGP" "SLB" "SLE" "SLV" "SOM" "STP" "SUR"
#> [133] "SVN" "SWE" "SYC" "SYR" "TGO" "THA" "TKM" "TLS" "TON" "TTO" "TUN" "TUR"
#> [145] "TUV" "TWN" "TZA" "UKR" "URY" "USA" "VCT" "VEN" "VNM" "VUT" "WSM" "YEM"
#> [157] "ZAF"
#> $iso_sov2
#>  [1] "ARG" "AUS" "CHN" "COL" "COM" "DJI" "DNK" "DOM" "ECU" "EGY" "ESP" "FRA"
#> [13] "GBR" "GNB" "GUY" "HND" "IRN" "ISL" "ISR" "ITA" "JPN" "KOR" "LBY" "MAR"
#> [25] "MDG" "MHL" "NGA" "NLD" "NOR" "RUS" "SAU" "SGP" "SVN" "SWE" "TTO" "USA"
#> [37] "VUT"
#> $iso_sov3
#> [1] "ARE" "CHN" "DOM" "MUS" "VEN"
#> $un_sov1
#>   [1]   8  12  24  28  31  32  36  44  48  50  52  56  70  76  84  90  96 100
#>  [19] 104 116 120 124 132 144 152 156 158 170 174 178 180 188 191 192 196 204
#>  [37] 208 212 214 218 222 226 232 233 242 246 250 262 266 268 270 275 276 288
#>  [55] 296 300 308 320 324 328 332 340 352 356 360 364 368 372 376 380 384 388
#>  [73] 392 398 400 404 408 410 414 422 428 430 434 440 450 458 462 470 478 480
#>  [91] 484 492 499 504 508 512 516 520 528 548 554 558 566 578 583 584 585 586
#> [109] 591 598 604 608 616 620 624 626 634 642 643 659 662 670 678 682 686 690
#> [127] 694 702 704 705 706 710 724 729 732 740 752 760 764 768 776 780 784 788
#> [145] 792 795 798 804 818 826 834 840 858 862 882 887
#> $un_sov2
#>  [1]  32  36 158 170 174 208 214 218 250 262 328 340 352 364 376 380 392 410 434
#> [20] 450 504 528 548 566 578 584 624 643 682 702 705 724 752 780 818 826 840
#> $un_sov3
#> [1] 156 214 388 480 784 862
#> $un_ter1
#>   [1]   8  12  16  24  28  31  32  36  44  48  50  52  56  60  70  76  84  90
#>  [19]  92  96 100 104 116 120 124 132 136 144 152 156 158 162 166 170 174 175
#>  [37] 178 180 184 188 191 192 196 204 208 212 214 218 222 226 232 233 234 238
#>  [55] 239 242 246 250 254 258 260 262 266 268 270 275 276 288 292 296 300 304
#>  [73] 308 312 316 320 324 328 332 334 340 352 356 360 364 368 372 376 380 384
#>  [91] 388 392 398 400 404 408 410 414 422 428 430 434 440 450 458 462 470 474
#> [109] 478 480 484 492 499 500 504 508 512 516 520 528 531 533 534 535 540 548
#> [127] 554 558 566 570 574 578 580 581 583 584 585 586 591 598 604 608 612 616
#> [145] 620 624 626 630 634 638 642 643 652 654 659 660 662 663 666 670 678 682
#> [163] 686 690 694 702 704 705 706 710 724 732 740 744 752 760 764 768 772 776
#> [181] 780 784 788 792 795 796 798 804 818 826 831 832 833 834 840 850 858 862
#> [199] 876 882 887
#> $un_ter2
#>  [1]  32  36 136 156 170 175 214 218 234 238 239 260 328 352 364 376 380 392 533
#> [20] 566 624 643 682 705 724 732 744 752 780 804 840
#> $un_ter3
#> [1] 214 784 862
# Get EEZ area just for Bermuda
get_area(area_name = "Bermuda", mregions_column = "territory1")
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 31 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -68.91706 ymin: 28.90577 xmax: -60.7048 ymax: 35.80855
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 1 × 32
#>   mrgid geoname    mrgid_ter1 pol_type mrgid_sov1 territory1 iso_ter1 sovereign1
#>   <int> <chr>           <int> <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    <chr>     
#> 1  8402 British E…       8636 200NM          2208 Bermuda    BMU      United Ki…
#> # ℹ 24 more variables: mrgid_ter2 <int>, mrgid_sov2 <int>, territory2 <chr>,
#> #   iso_ter2 <chr>, sovereign2 <chr>, mrgid_ter3 <int>, mrgid_sov3 <int>,
#> #   territory3 <chr>, iso_ter3 <chr>, sovereign3 <chr>, x_1 <dbl>, y_1 <dbl>,
#> #   mrgid_eez <int>, area_km2 <int>, iso_sov1 <chr>, iso_sov2 <chr>,
#> #   iso_sov3 <chr>, un_sov1 <dbl>, un_sov2 <dbl>, un_sov3 <dbl>, un_ter1 <dbl>,
#> #   un_ter2 <dbl>, un_ter3 <dbl>, geometry <POLYGON [°]>
# Get EEZ areas for Kiribati (iso_ter1 = KIR)
get_area(area_name = "KIR", mregions_column = "iso_ter1")
#> Simple feature collection with 3 features and 31 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -180 ymin: -13.83833 xmax: 180 ymax: 7.879056
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 3 × 32
#>   mrgid geoname    mrgid_ter1 pol_type mrgid_sov1 territory1 iso_ter1 sovereign1
#>   <int> <chr>           <int> <chr>         <int> <chr>      <chr>    <chr>     
#> 1  8450 Kiribati …       8658 200NM          2116 Phoenix G… KIR      Kiribati  
#> 2  8441 Kiribati …       8657 200NM          2116 Line Group KIR      Kiribati  
#> 3  8488 Kiribati …      17597 200NM          2116 Gilbert I… KIR      Kiribati  
#> # ℹ 24 more variables: mrgid_ter2 <int>, mrgid_sov2 <int>, territory2 <chr>,
#> #   iso_ter2 <chr>, sovereign2 <chr>, mrgid_ter3 <int>, mrgid_sov3 <int>,
#> #   territory3 <chr>, iso_ter3 <chr>, sovereign3 <chr>, x_1 <dbl>, y_1 <dbl>,
#> #   mrgid_eez <int>, area_km2 <int>, iso_sov1 <chr>, iso_sov2 <chr>,
#> #   iso_sov3 <chr>, un_sov1 <dbl>, un_sov2 <dbl>, un_sov3 <dbl>, un_ter1 <dbl>,
#> #   un_ter2 <dbl>, un_ter3 <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>