
The create_* family

This family of functions is here to create a bunch of things that we always need, like standard directories (folders), repository structure, and data paths. The family contains the following:

  • create_emlab_dirs Given a project code name, it goes into the emLab Google Filestream and creates a folder for the project, along with subfolders for raw, processed, and output data
  • create_local_dirs Creates local direcotires withing your RStudio project and associated git repo. It creates folders for scripts, results (tables and figures).
  • create_readme Once all files and folers are in place, it inspects the repository strucutre to generate a map (se bottom of README)
  • create_setup_script Creates a standardized setup script, which will be automatically run every time you open the RStudio project (or restart R session). It contains default filepaths, which will be created as environmental variables in your environment.
  • create_all wrapper around all of the above.
  • create_metadata Generates a metadata file that matches the emLab SOP and asks you a series of questions to fill in (currently only works for .csv and .xlsx)

The normalize_* family

Adapting from GFW’s python script used to normalize shipnames and callsign, this is a non-vectorized R implementation of the same process.

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Please note that the startR project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.