6 Using Stata
On both Pod and Knot, Stata/MP 15 is available with up to 24 cores. In order to use Stata, you will need to be added to the econ
group (contact Fuzzy Rogers - fuz(at)ucsb.edu).
Note that only two Stata jobs can run concurrently on a cluster, so if you get an inexplicable error after submitting a job—such as SLURM ExitCode 127—then this is likely the reason. You will simply have to wait until one of the running jobs is finished and then re-submit your job.
6.1 Loading Stata
To load Stata on either Knot or Pod for interactive use, enter the command
$ /sw/stata/stata-mp
To exit Stata, use the command exit
. Specific versions of Stata can be used by entering the version <#>
command within Stata.
To load the Stata GUI, connect to a cluster via an XWindows environment and then enter the command
$ /sw/stata/xstata-mp
The GUI can be useful for viewing graphics, but will be relatively slow.
Remember: Most analyses should be performed on compute nodes by submitting batch jobs. The login node should only be used for simple analyses, testing, or debugging.
6.2 Packages
User-written Stata packages can be installed using one of the Stata commands net install <package>
or ssc install <package>
, depending on the source. These packages should be stored inside your home directory. Point to the packages in do-files by using the Stata command sysdir set PLUS dir
where dir
should be the path to the ado/plus
directory inside your home folder. For personal ado-files and packages that you have written, point to them in do-files by using the Stata command sysdir set PERSONAL dir
where dir
should be the path to the ado/personal
directory inside your home folder.
6.3 Example job files
These job files run Stata in batch mode (-b
), which automatically creates a plain-text log file in the current working directory. As a result, log commands do not necessarily need to be included in do-files.
To change Stata’s temporary files directory, in the job file include the command export STATATMP=dir
where dir
is the directory of your choice.
Note that Stata has a set processors <#>
command that should be included in do-files and match the requested resources in job files (up to 24 processors). Similarly, there is a set max_memory <#>
command that should also be included (see Stata on Linux issue here).
6.3.1 Knot
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12
#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M user@ucsb.edu
/sw/stata/stata-mp -b do script.do
6.3.2 Pod
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=24
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=user@ucsb.edu
export STATATMP=/home/user
/sw/stata/stata-mp -b do script.do