This workshop will provide you with an introduction to manipulating
raster spatial data using the R package terra
and its predecessor, raster
are widely
used for spatial data manipulation in R. No prior experience of spatial
data is assumed, but this short workshop will not have time to delve
into some important aspects of spatial data such as projections.
’s predecessor raster
had many of the
same functions as terra
, and I will mention how functions
have changed or been renamed which might be helpful for people migrating
from using raster
. In the words of the creator of both
packages: terra
is simpler, faster and can do more, so
definitely switch to terra
if you are still using
users note: Boxes like this will highlight
differences between the raster
package and
tutorial page is https://rspatial.org/spatial/index.htmlterra
and sf
packages: https://mgimond.github.io/Spatial/index.htmlYou will need the terra
package installed, which can be
done by running install.packages("terra")
. If you have
problems, there are more details about installing it here. I will also
show how to make an interactive map with terra
, which
requires the leaflet
package to be installed;
We can now load the terra
#> terra 1.7.71
There are basically two types of spatial data: vector and raster
Can be points, lines or polygons. Useful for representing things like survey locations, rivers, and boundaries.
pts <- rbind(c(3.2,4), c(3,4.6), c(3.8,4.4), c(3.5,3.8), c(3.4,3.6), c(3.9,4.5)) |>
lnes <- as.lines(vect(rbind(c(3,4.6), c(3.2,4), c(3.5,3.8)))) |>
rbind(as.lines(vect(rbind(c(3.9, 4.5), c(3.8, 4.4), c(3.5,3.8), c(3.4,3.6)))))
lux <- vect(system.file("ex/lux.shp", package = "terra"))
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(pts, axes = F, main = "Points")
plot(lnes, col = "blue", axes = F, main = "Lines")
plot(lux, "NAME_2", col = terrain.colors(12), las = 1, axes = F, main = "Polygons")
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
Raster data is a grid of rectangles, normally called cells. Each cell has a value, making rasters useful for storing continuous data, such as temperature and elevation.
Here is an example of raster data, where each cell in the raster represents elevation.
elev <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra") |>
rast() |>
aggregate(fact = 2)
plot(elev, las = 1, main = "Elevation map")
elev |>
as.polygons(aggregate = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) |>
lines(col = "grey40", lwd = 0.2)
Lets start by creating our own raster. We can create rasters from
scratch and load them from a file using the function
. We can create a simple raster by specifying the x
and y limits for the raster and the resolution (how big each cell
users note: rast()
#create raster
ras <- rast(xmin = 0, xmax = 10, ymin = 0, ymax = 10, resolution = 2)
#see what we've created
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 5, 5, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 2, 2 (x, y)
#> extent : 0, 10, 0, 10 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84
The figure below shows what most of the terms above refer to. As you can see, you don’t need to use all the terms to define a raster. Couple of other points:
as you can see, rasters in terra are of class
which coordinate reference
system to use, so it defaults to using longitude latitude coordinates,
also known as EPSG 4326.raster
users note: rasters are now
class not RasterLayer
But what does the raster we created actually look like when plotted.
Lets see. All we need is plot()
Why is there no plot? Because the raster we created is empty; there are no values associated with the the cells. Lets assign some values to each cell in the raster and try again. First we will find out how many cells are in our raster using `ncell()
#> [1] 25
Ok, now we know this lets give our raster cells values from 1 to 25:
values(ras) <- 1:25
Now our raster has values, we get a plot! Each cell has an integer value between 1 and 25, with cell values increasing from left to right and top to bottom. So the values start being “filled up” in the top left, and finish in the bottom right.
Lets have another look at our raster properties
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 5, 5, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 2, 2 (x, y)
#> extent : 0, 10, 0, 10 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84
#> source(s) : memory
#> name : lyr.1
#> min value : 1
#> max value : 25
We can now see a few extra pieces of information compared to last time:
: where is the data held on your computer? It
says memory
for this raster, indicating that the raster is
in the computer memory. Rasters can also be held on your hard disk, in
which case this will be the file name of the raster. We won’t go into
details here, but terra
is smart about loading data into
memory, only doing so when it needs to and it thinks it will have enough
: what is the raster called?min value
& max value
: the minimum and
maximum values in the rasterOk, now we understand the basic structure of a raster, lets load some data.
Sea surface temperature can be measured by satellites, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the U.S. has been doing so since 1972! Daily sea surface temperature for the world from 1985 to the present is available via the NOAA Coral Reef Watch website.
We are going to explore sea surface temperature (SST) data for the
Great Barrier Reef in Australia. All the data is in the
folder in the Github repository, and full details on
how I got the data are in the data_prep.R
script in that
We can use the same rast()
command that we used to make
our own raster to load data The data is stored in GeoTiff (.tif) format,
which is widely used for raster data. You can get a full list of data
formats that terra
can read and write by running
gdal(drivers = TRUE)
sst <- rast("../data/gbr_temp_2023_05_31.tif") #load the data
sst #view the properties
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 801, 1101, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 0.04999999, 0.05 (x, y)
#> extent : 110, 165.05, -45, -4.95 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
#> source : gbr_temp_2023_05_31.tif
#> name : CRW_SST_2
#> min value : 9.59
#> max value : 30.46
#> unit : Celsius
If the data loaded correctly, you should see the properties as shown above. We have all the properties I described earlier, but there are a couple of things worth noting:
is the filename of the data we loaded. This
means it is on disk, not in memory. We can double check by running
which should return FALSE.unit
is Celsius. Most rasters don’t come with the
units, so you will normally need to look at metadata to find this
information.We want to plot our data to see what it looks like. This is the first thing you should do with almost any spatial data to do a quick check that it looks right
The values in the legend seem about what we would expect for water temperatures, ranging from ~10 - 30\(^\circ\) Celsius.
The white areas of the plot are cells with NA
which in this case are land; there are no sea surface temperature data
for the land! We can see the land mass of Australia taking up much of
the map and Papua New Guinea to the north.
We can set the NA values to a different colour if we want, which can be helpful if you want to see some NA cells that are getting lost against the other colours.
plot(sst, colNA = "black")
Note that every cell within our raster has to have a value.
To put our raster data in context, lets plot the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park boundary (dowloaded from here).
This is vector data. You might be used to handling vector data with the
package, but terra
can also be used for
vector data manipulation. We can load a vector using
users note: terra
has its own
methods for handling vector data unlike raster
which used
the sp
package for vector data handling. Vector data in
are SpatVector
objects; different from
#load the park boundary
gbr_boundary <- vect("../data/gbr_MPA_boundary.gpkg")
We can plot vector boundaries on top of raster data using
#plot the SST data and the boundary on top
lines(gbr_boundary) #this plots the vector lines over the raster data
We now see the outline of the Great Barrier Reef marine park on top of the sea surface temperature data we plotted before.
The data we have at the moment is for a much larger area than just the Great Barrier Reef marine park. To get only that data we need to crop and mask the raster data using the marine park boundary.
Cropping means that we keep only the data inside the extent of the vector we are using. Mask means that all the data outside the vector is set to NA or some other value we specify. Lets have a look how this works.
First lets have a look at the extent of the marine park boundary. We
can get the extent of a raster or vector using ext()
. We
need to convert this into a SpatVector
object for plotting
using vect()
. We only need to do this for plotting; when we
crop, we can just use the marine park boundary as the input.
users note: ext()
gbr_boundary_extent <- ext(gbr_boundary) |>
lines(gbr_boundary_extent, col = "blue")
So when we crop, we get only the area within the blue box.
We crop using the crop()
function, using the raster we
want to crop as the first argument and the vector we are cropping with
sst_cropped <- crop(sst, gbr_boundary)
Now we have cropped our raster, we can mask it so that we only have
values for the area within the marine park boundary. We do this using
sst_cropped_masked <- mask(sst_cropped, gbr_boundary)
Now we only see raster values for cells that are within the marine
park boundary. But remember that the areas that are white, still have
values, they are just NA
Often we want to crop
and mask
one after
the other, and you can do this in one command using
crop(sst, gbr_boundary, mask = TRUE)
For reference, here is a figure comparing what crop
and crop(mask = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(sst, main = "Original raster")
plot(sst_cropped, main = "Cropped")
sst |>
mask(gbr_boundary) |>
plot(main = "Masked")
plot(crop(sst, gbr_boundary, mask = TRUE), main = "Cropped and masked")
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
Why not just mask rather than crop and mask? As we see in the figure
above, this would mean we have a lot of area we are not interested in
and even though most of those cells would be NA
they take
up space in our raster, so it is not efficient.
Now we have cropped and masked our original raster to get only data
within the area we are interested in, we can start exploring the values.
has several functions that can help us do this
We can get a histogram of all the values in our raster using the
function, which is equivalent to the base R
The x-axis is in the units of our raster values; temperature in degrees Celsius in our case. The y-axis is frequency; how many cells in our raster have those values.
You can change the histogram using the same arguments you use with
in base R. For example, lets increase the number of
bars we have:
hist(sst_cropped_masked, breaks = 100)
We can get a frequency table of values in our raster using
. This is essentially the same information that is
shown in the histogram in graphical format.
#> layer value count
#> 1 1 20 31
#> 2 1 21 223
#> 3 1 22 396
#> 4 1 23 740
#> 5 1 24 2861
#> 6 1 25 2827
#> 7 1 26 2194
#> 8 1 27 2638
#> 9 1 28 444
The default is to round values to the nearest integer. To get more integers we can do:
freq(sst_cropped_masked, digits = 1) |>
head() #this is a long table: just show the first few values
#> layer value count
#> 1 1 19.8 1
#> 2 1 19.9 3
#> 3 1 20.0 6
#> 4 1 20.1 3
#> 5 1 20.2 3
#> 6 1 20.3 7
We can also check how many NA values are in our raster:
freq(sst_cropped_masked, value = NA)
#> layer value count
#> 1 1 NA 50850
We can use the same summary()
command that is used in
base R to get a summary of the statistical information for an entire
#> CRW_SST_2
#> Min. :19.82
#> 1st Qu.:24.25
#> Median :25.05
#> Mean :25.19
#> 3rd Qu.:26.49
#> Max. :27.74
#> NA's :50850
These values are, for example, the mean value of all raster values
excluding NA
To get individual statistical values, we need to use
. For example to get the mean value of a
global(sst_cropped_masked, "mean")
#> mean
#> CRW_SST_2 NaN
Hmmm, what went wrong? The default is for global()
include all values in the raster, and since we have lots of
s, the result is NaN
. We need to set
na.rm = TRUE
to exclude the NA
global(sst_cropped_masked, "mean", na.rm = TRUE)
#> mean
#> CRW_SST_2 25.18745
The object returned by global()
is a data frame, so if
you want just the value, you need to do:
sst_mean <- as.numeric(global(sst_cropped_masked, "mean", na.rm = TRUE))
#> [1] 25.18745
users note: global()
, and the default is na.rm = FALSE
whereas the default for cellStats()
na.rm = TRUE
We might want to break our raster values into groups. For example, we
could say that all temperatures that are below the mean temperature are
classified as “cooler” and all temperatures above the mean are “warmer”.
We can do this using the classify
users note: classify()
#first we create a matrix that will be used for the classification
# all values >= 0 and less than the mean become 1
# all values greater than the mean become 2
reclass_matrix <- c(0, sst_mean, 1,
sst_mean, Inf, 2) |>
matrix(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#now we classify our raster using this matrix
sst_reclassed <- classify(sst_cropped_masked, reclass_matrix)
#plot the result
A gut check tells us this looks right; the warmer areas are in the north, nearer to the equator.
This plot is ok, but it would be better if the colours were more appropriate and the legend gave some useful information.
plot(sst_reclassed, col = c("blue", "red"), plg = list(legend = c("Cooler", "Warmer")), las = 1) #the las = 1 argument just rotates the y-axis labels so that they are horizontal
The great thing about rasters are you can do maths with them! For
example, doing sst_reclassed + 1
just adds one to each
raster value, and doing sst_reclassed*2
multiplies each
raster value by two.
As an example, lets convert our temperature data into Fahrenheit for our confused colleagues in the U.S. The conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit is: Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 1.8) + 32.
#do the conversion
sst_fahrenheit <- (sst_cropped_masked*1.8) + 32
#plot our new raster
Lets also make the map a bit prettier, choosing more appropriate
colours and adding a scale bar. There are huge number of options for
plotting, see the help file ?help
for details. There are
many great plotting packages such as tmap
that can be used to make maps, but I will not cover
those here. The Geocomputation
with R website is an excellent resource on map making and geospatial
data in R in general.
plot(sst_fahrenheit, col = hcl.colors(50, palette = "RdYlBu", rev = TRUE), las = 1) #see ?hcl.colors for more info on colour palettes. rev= TRUE because we want to reverse the palette: red colours are the highest values and blue the lowest
sbar(d = 400, type = "bar", divs = 2, below = "km") #400km scale bar with 2 divisions and "km" written below
The swatches below show all the colour scales available via
. The code is directly from
## color swatches for HCL palettes
hcl.swatch <- function(type = NULL, n = 5, nrow = 11,
border = if (n < 15) "black" else NA) {
palette <- hcl.pals(type)
cols <- sapply(palette, hcl.colors, n = n)
ncol <- ncol(cols)
nswatch <- min(ncol, nrow)
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4),
mfrow = c(1, min(5, ceiling(ncol/nrow))),
pin = c(1, 0.5 * nswatch),
cex = 0.7)
while (length(palette)) {
subset <- 1:min(nrow, ncol(cols))
plot.window(c(0, n), c(0, nrow + 1))
text(0, rev(subset) + 0.1, palette[subset], adj = c(0, 0))
y <- rep(subset, each = n)
rect(rep(0:(n-1), n), rev(y), rep(1:n, n), rev(y) - 0.5,
col = cols[, subset], border = border)
palette <- palette[-subset]
cols <- cols[, -subset, drop = FALSE]
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1), cex = 1)
So far, our data have been in the same coordinate reference system (crs), but we often have to deal with spatial data that have different crs’s. But first, what is a crs? The following section provides a brief summary with links to further reading.
If we want to know where things are in space, we need to use some kind of spatial reference. We can use our own arbitrary system, e.g. a sampling grid like the one shown in the photo below where we could define the location of each square relative to one of the corners. But normally we want to know where something is on Earth.
There are two types of coordinate systems we can use to represent locations on Earth:
A commonly used geocentric datum is World Geodetic Survey for 1984 (WGS84). This is almost synonymous with the commonly used coordinate reference system EPSG 4326, but EPSG 4326 defines the latitude and longitude coordinates used on the WGS84 ellipsoid (Ref)
All projections are a compromise because they will always distort the shape, area, distances, and directions of the original GCS. A map that preserves shape is called conformal; one that preserves area is called equal-area; one that preserves distance is called equidistant; and one that preserves direction is called azimuthal. There are a huge number of projections available and choosing the correct one can be challenging. Often your choice will be to use the a local projection that is used by goverment or other authorities in the location you are working, e.g. for my work in Bermuda, much of the data was in the Bermuda 2000 National Grid projection (EPSG:3770). For global work where equal area is important, the Molleweide projection is commonly used.
We have only covered the basics of coordinate reference systems because it is a big topic to cover. The following resources are useful for understanding in more depth:
First lets load some geospatial data that is in a different projection from the data we have been using so far. This is vector data for two marine protected areas (habitat protection zones) in the Great Barrief Reef marine park. This is just a small part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning map. Surprisingly, habitat protection zones allow all types of fishing except trawling. You can view more details about the zones and the activities that are allowed here.
#load the zones data
zones <- vect("../data/gbr_habitat_protection_zones.gpkg")
#take a look
#> class : SpatVector
#> geometry : polygons
#> dimensions : 2, 19 (geometries, attributes)
#> extent : 1488438, 2047821, -2572774, -1826852 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> source : gbr_habitat_protection_zones.gpkg
#> coord. ref. : GDA94 / Australian Albers (EPSG:3577)
#> type : <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int>
#> values : Great Barrier ~ Gazetted 2004 1 Amalgamated Gr~ 2
#> Great Barrier ~ Gazetted 2004 1 Amalgamated Gr~ 2
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> Habitat Protec~ HP-16-5126 HPZ 10 Arlington Reef~
#> Habitat Protec~ HP-21-5296 HPZ 10 Capricorn Channel
We can see the crs (coord. ref.) is GDA94 / Australian Albers
(EPSG:3577). Lets get some more detail using the crs()
function which queries the crs:
#> [1] "PROJCRS[\"GDA94 / Australian Albers\",\n BASEGEOGCRS[\"GDA94\",\n DATUM[\"Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994\",\n ELLIPSOID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],\n PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n ID[\"EPSG\",4283]],\n CONVERSION[\"Australian Albers\",\n METHOD[\"Albers Equal Area\",\n ID[\"EPSG\",9822]],\n PARAMETER[\"Latitude of false origin\",0,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8821]],\n PARAMETER[\"Longitude of false origin\",132,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8822]],\n PARAMETER[\"Latitude of 1st standard parallel\",-18,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8823]],\n PARAMETER[\"Latitude of 2nd standard parallel\",-36,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8824]],\n PARAMETER[\"Easting at false origin\",0,\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8826]],\n PARAMETER[\"Northing at false origin\",0,\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1],\n ID[\"EPSG\",8827]]],\n CS[Cartesian,2],\n AXIS[\"(E)\",east,\n ORDER[1],\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],\n AXIS[\"(N)\",north,\n ORDER[2],\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]],\n USAGE[\n SCOPE[\"Statistical analysis.\"],\n AREA[\"Australia - Australian Capital Territory; New South Wales; Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia; Tasmania; Western Australia; Victoria.\"],\n BBOX[-43.7,112.85,-9.86,153.69]],\n ID[\"EPSG\",3577]]"
That’s a lot of info, and not very easy to read. This is the well-known text (wkt) representation of the crs. We can see that GDA94 stands for Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994, but we can get a more basic version of the crs using:
crs(zones, describe = TRUE)
#> name authority code
#> 1 GDA94 / Australian Albers EPSG 3577
#> area
#> 1 Australia - Australian Capital Territory; New South Wales; Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia; Tasmania; Western Australia; Victoria
#> extent
#> 1 112.85, 153.69, -9.86, -43.70
This gives just key information we often need to make sense of a crs. We can see that this crs is intended for use for Australia, including all states. We also get the EPSG code: 3577. EPSG stands for European Petroleum Survey Group who developed a database of ‘official’ crs’s, but now people use EPSG to refer to the database itself (see here for more on the history of EPSG).
Let’s check the crs of the data we have been using
crs(sst_cropped_masked, describe = TRUE)
#> name authority code area extent
#> 1 WGS 84 EPSG 4326 <NA> NA, NA, NA, NA
The raster is in a crs with EPSG code 4326. This is widely used for global data, and is ‘unprojected’ data, measured in degrees longitude and latitude.
We want to get our rasters into the same crs. In this case we will
project the raster into the local crs. Projecting can be done using
and providing the data we want to project and a
crs. In this case we can use the crs of the zones object, which we get
using crs(zones)
, but we could also just provide the EPSG
code like this project(sst_cropped_masked, "epsg:3577")
users note: project()
sst_cropped_masked_projected <- project(sst_cropped_masked, crs(zones))
It is really important to understand that when we project a raster, we are changing the raster, because we have to create a new raster in the new crs.
Lets compare our original raster and the projected version:
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 276, 229, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 0.04999999, 0.05 (x, y)
#> extent : 142.55, 154, -24.5, -10.7 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
#> source(s) : memory
#> varname : gbr_temp_2023_05_31
#> name : CRW_SST_2
#> min value : 19.82
#> max value : 27.74
#> unit : Celsius
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 306, 258, 1 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 5429.925, 5429.925 (x, y)
#> extent : 1056277, 2457197, -2834019, -1172462 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : GDA94 / Australian Albers (EPSG:3577)
#> source(s) : memory
#> name : CRW_SST_2
#> min value : 19.82000
#> max value : 27.73348
#> unit : Celsius
We can see that the projected raster is in the Australian Albers crs, and the extent, resolution, and dimensions have all changed. This crs has units of meters, which means the size of each raser cells is 5429.924566m x 5429.924566m.
Lets compare how the two rasters now look.
par(mfrow = c(1,2)) #so we get plots beside each other: 1 row, 2 columns
par(mfrow = c(1,1)) #revert back to one plot per row
The maps look very similar, but we can see that the shape is changed and the axes are now in different units, reflecting the projection.
Lets have a look at a summary of the values for each raster.
#> CRW_SST_2
#> Min. :19.82
#> 1st Qu.:24.25
#> Median :25.05
#> Mean :25.19
#> 3rd Qu.:26.49
#> Max. :27.74
#> NA's :50850
#> CRW_SST_2
#> Min. :19.82
#> 1st Qu.:24.27
#> Median :25.09
#> Mean :25.21
#> 3rd Qu.:26.53
#> Max. :27.73
#> NA's :66743
The statistics are similar, but not exactly the same. There are also a lot more NA values in the projected raster, largely because there are more cells: 63204 in the original and 78948 in the projected raster.
These changes in the raster are really important to think about when making decisions about projecting rasters.
Let’s take a look at some different methods of projection and the impact it has on the raster values. The red lined grid is the original raster grid in vector format projected.
proj_moll <- "ESRI:54009"
polys <- ras |>
as.polygons(dissolve = F) |>
ras_near <- project(ras, proj_moll, meth = "near")
ras_bilinear <- project(ras, proj_moll)
ras_average <- project(ras, proj_moll, method = "average")
pal <- hcl.colors(n = ncell(ras_near), "RdYlGn")
padding <- 0
plot_func <- function(input_raster, input_polygon, title_string){
plot(input_raster, type = "classes", col = pal, xlim = c(ext(input_polygon)$xmin-padding, ext(input_polygon)$xmax+padding), ylim = c(ext(input_polygon)$ymin-padding, ext(input_polygon)$ymax+padding), main = title_string, fun = function() lines(input_polygon, col = "red", lwd = 2))
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(ras, main = "Original raster", col = pal)
plot_func(ras_near, polys, "Nearest neighbour")
plot_func(ras_bilinear, polys, "Bilinear interpolation")
plot_func(ras_average, polys, "Area weighted mean")
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
We have been looking at data within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park boundary. What if we want to extract data for several smaller areas within that area? For example we might want to know the average temperature within habitat protection zones we loaded. We could crop and mask our data for each of our zones, but this could get messy if we have a lot of zones. Happily there is an easier way.
First lets plot of zones data to see what it looks like. There are lots of columns in the data, but lets use the “PERMIT_DESC” column, which is the zone location, to map them since it has distinct and interesting descriptions for them.
#plot the zones with our temperature data
plot(zones, "PERMIT_DESC")
Lets plot these zones over our temperature data for context.
Now, lets find the average temperature of the raster cells within our
zones. We can use a function called zonal()
and just give
it our raster, followed by our zones polygons, and tell it we want the
mean value.
zonal(sst_cropped_masked_projected, zones, fun = "mean")
#> CRW_SST_2
#> 1 26.19326
#> 2 24.26339
Each row shows the mean temperature for a polygon, in the same order
as our zones
object. The northern zone has the highest
temperature because it is nearer the equator.
We can get other summary values, for example the maximum temperature in our zones:
zonal(sst_cropped_masked_projected, zones, fun = "max")
#> CRW_SST_2
#> 1 26.68274
#> 2 24.68000
You can get use other functions, such as min”, sum”, “isNA”, and
“notNA”, and you can also use your own function. See ?zonal
for more details.
We might also want to get all the raster values in our zones. We can
do this using the extract
zones_data_df <- extract(sst_cropped_masked_projected, zones) #the raster we are extracting from first, the polygons we want data for is second
#> 1 1 26.62231
#> 2 1 26.68274
#> 3 1 26.59112
#> 4 1 26.28479
#> 5 1 26.48757
#> 6 1 25.91221
We get a data frame with where each row has the value of raser cell
in our zones, and the column ID
is used to identify each
zone; 1 and 2 in our case.
Now we have a data frame of values we can, for example, do a boxplot
of temperatures in each zone. I use the base R function here, but you
can of course use ggplot
or any other package you like.
boxplot(CRW_SST_2 ~ ID, zones_data_df)
A very useful feature of rasters is that they can have many layers.
These layers often represent different time periods, such as days or
months. Lets look at a multi-layer raster which has the same temperature
data that we have been looking at, but each layer represents the mean
temperature in a month. We load the multi-layer raster in the same way
as any other raster, using rast()
sst_monthly <- rast("../data/gbr_monthly_temp.tif")
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 301, 261, 36 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 0.05, 0.05 (x, y)
#> extent : 142, 155.05, -25, -9.95 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
#> source : gbr_monthly_temp.tif
#> names : ym_202006, ym_202007, ym_202008, ym_202009, ym_202010, ym_202011, ...
#> min values : 19.80000, 18.51452, 19.00613, 21.096, 23.04516, 24.715, ...
#> max values : 29.47767, 28.65097, 28.51323, 28.864, 29.41645, 29.452, ...
We can that the raster has 36 layers. Lets plot it to see what we get.
We get one map for each raster layer, but not all the data because
you wouldn’t be able to see the maps if they were much smaller. We can
plot a specific subset of the data using double square brackets
to select a set of layers. For example, if we wanted
the last 4 layers in the raster, which are layers 33 to 36:
Happily, we can use the same functions we have learnt on this multi-layer raster. For example, we can convert all the rasters to Fahrenheit:
sst_monthly_fahrenheit <- (sst_monthly * 1.8) + 32
We can also crop and mask our data:
sst_monthly_cropped_masked <- crop(sst_monthly, gbr_boundary, mask = TRUE)
We can get data for our zones like we did before, but first we need to project our data, since the raster layers are in a different projection to the zones. Lets project our zones into the same crs as our raster, this way we do not change our raster data.
zones_projected <- project(zones, crs(sst_monthly))
Let’s plot the SST data with the zones. We will plot just the first 4
rasters so we can see the zones more clearly. To get the zones on each
of the raster maps, we have to add the lines()
that we have used before as an argument to the plot()
plot(sst_monthly_cropped_masked[[1:4]], fun = function()lines(zones_projected))
Now everything is in the same projection, we can get the monthy temperature in each of our zones:
zones_mean_temp <- zonal(sst_monthly, zones_projected)
#> ym_202006 ym_202007 ym_202008 ym_202009 ym_202010 ym_202011 ym_202012
#> 1 25.05453 24.83376 24.74528 25.20465 26.03271 27.48973 28.85805
#> 2 23.45174 22.09304 21.80063 22.42598 23.92429 25.79377 27.19416
#> ym_202101 ym_202102 ym_202103 ym_202104 ym_202105 ym_202106 ym_202107
#> 1 29.19292 29.29952 28.63410 27.81125 26.09139 25.24531 25.02013
#> 2 27.55193 27.93409 28.21229 27.03324 25.38172 23.46953 22.41834
#> ym_202108 ym_202109 ym_202110 ym_202111 ym_202112 ym_202201 ym_202202
#> 1 24.94499 25.15853 27.02342 28.19143 29.33896 29.36065 29.37086
#> 2 22.41714 22.56429 24.54539 26.41297 27.85243 28.45053 28.05780
#> ym_202203 ym_202204 ym_202205 ym_202206 ym_202207 ym_202208 ym_202209
#> 1 29.45380 28.45853 27.02372 25.72339 24.63791 24.83121 26.06624
#> 2 28.39454 27.26121 25.76123 24.17066 22.05470 21.20344 22.45951
#> ym_202210 ym_202211 ym_202212 ym_202301 ym_202302 ym_202303 ym_202304
#> 1 27.66313 28.60063 29.12178 29.03708 29.14737 29.03370 29.02902
#> 2 24.46297 26.16570 27.11324 27.54031 28.11492 28.32108 27.63397
#> ym_202305
#> 1 27.07731
#> 2 25.35108
We’ve got a data frame with each column showing the mean temperature in each zone for one month. However, this format is not great for plotting. Let’s make it into a “long” data frame and add the date as a column:
#transpose the data so that the rows become columns, then make it into a data frame
zones_mean_temp_t <- t(zones_mean_temp) |>
#add date column in proper format - use 1st day of month as the day for all values
zones_mean_temp_t$ym <- gsub("ym_", "", rownames(zones_mean_temp_t)) |>
paste0("01") |>
as.Date(format = "%Y%m%d")
We can now plot a time series of temperature in our zones. The most northerly zone (red line) has the highest temperatures because it is closer to the equator.
plot(zones_mean_temp_t$ym, zones_mean_temp_t$V1, type = "l",
ylim = c(min(zones_mean_temp_t$V2), max(zones_mean_temp_t$V1)),
col = "red",
xlab = "Date",
ylab = "Sea surface temperature (Celsius)")
lines(zones_mean_temp_t$ym, zones_mean_temp_t$V2, type = "l", col = "blue")